Shrink Trans Log Logged?

  • I need to know if someone shrinks the transaction log, is it logged anywhere?

    We had a log yesterday that was shrunk to 2mb from 5gb and I need to know when it was done.

    I would swear that I didn't do it, but all evidence points to me doing it. :crying:

    The main data file was 41gb and I shrunk it down to 40gb. I do not remember doing anything that would have shrunk the log file from 5gb to 2mb.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • Oh yea, I forgot to say that I have looked through the application log, system log and event log in windows.

    I have also scanned through the Sql server log.

    The one place that could have told me the time/date it was done was the timestamp on the log file. I increased the size of the log to get the daily jobs going before I checked the date, so that date was lost.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • When you do a truncate log command it is logged in the windows event log viewer in the application log.

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks for the reply, but I was asking about shirinking, not truncating. I have also already looked through the event, application and system logs and found nothing.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

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