Shrink Tempdb Issue

  • We have a Tempdb that is in Simple Recovery Mode so the log file is not being used. The .mdf makes up the 11 GB of Tempdb. The .ldf is only 1 MB. The Tempdb shows 11549 MB allocated and 11547 MB free. I am wondering if the 11547 MB is actually free or if the space is being used by empty pages or zeroes. Do I need to perform Item Number 1 below to really find out or shrink the database (.mdf)? Would it take a long time to perform either 1 or 2? I am wondering if I should do this during the day. There is not a lot of activity on our database during the day.

    1) Shrink DB on Tempdb that is 11 GB in size with the 'Move pages to beginning of file before shrinking' option checked.

    2) Shrink File on the Tempdb .mdf file with the 'Compress pages and then truncate free space from the file' option checked.

    Thanks in Advance,



  • Your TEMPDB has been growed and only very little is being used. You can just shrink the MDF file to reduce the spaces it allocated.

  • It should also rebuild at its original size when the server is restarted.

    The other item is that your .ldf is used for transactions, but committed transactions are removed at a checkpoint. a long running transaction can still fill the .ldf file and force it to grow.

  • Adding to this question, since I have the same issue.

    Can you use DBCC SHRINKDATABASE anytime to shrink the tempDB or should this only be done when the SQL server does not have a lot of activity.

    Also, how can you tell what the original size would be if you stopped and restarted SQL services without actually doing this. When I use Enterprise Manager and set the view to Taskpad, I notice a Date Created and Size - is this the original size set?

    Thanks for your help.



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