Show only First Cccurrence

  • Hi,

    I have a SQL statement:

    SELECT Response_Code, Name, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts',

    CASE Alert.Response_Code





    ELSE 5

    END as 'SOrder'

    FROM Alert WHERE

    (Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate )

    Group By Response_Code, Name

    ORDER BY SOrder, Name 

    This is what the output looks like:

    RIR    Cameron Co.    1

    RIR    Fairfax County    1

    RIR    Middleborough     3

    RIR    MissionC    16

    RIR    Richardson     1

    PRR    Baltimore City    4

    PRR    Cameron Co.    5

    PRR    Middleborough     12

    PRR    Fairfax County    1

    PRR    Frederick County     3

    FFP    Middleborough   2

    FFP    MECA - IMC    3

    FFP    Baltimore City    4


    I would like the Response_Code to only show up the first occurrence in the list so it is not listed multiple times.  I would also like the Name to only be listed once for the first Response_Code it is under.  i.e. Middleborough would only be listed once under RIR and Baltimore City would only be listed once under PRR etc.  Any help in the SQL statement to acomplish this would be appreciated.

    This is what it would look like as needed:

    RIR    Cameron Co.    1

            Fairfax County    1

            Middleborough     3

            MissionC    16

            Richardson     1

    PRR   Baltimore City    4

            Frederick County     3

    FFP   MECA - IMC    3





  • Can we assume it's SQL 2000 ? SQL 2005 provides common table expressions (CTE) which would be very useful for doing this without a temp table, but need to know if we can rule out a CTE as a solution ?

  • Sorry, this is using SQL 2000, we have not upgraded to 2005 and probably won't for a while.




  • Something like this maybe ? Will get pretty ugly if there are more than 5 SOrder buckets.

    SELECT Response_Code, Name, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', 1 As SOrder

    From Alert

    WHERE (Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate )

    And   Response_Code = 'RIR'

    Group By Response_Code, Name

    Union All

    SELECT Response_Code, Name, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', 2 As SOrder

    From Alert a1

    WHERE (Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate )

    And   Response_Code = 'PRR'

    And  Not Exists (

      Select *

      From Alert As a2

      Where a1.Name = a2.Name

      And   a2.Response_Code = 'RIR'


    Group By Response_Code, Name

    Union All

    SELECT Response_Code, Name, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', 3 As SOrder

    From Alert a1

    WHERE (Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate )

    And   Response_Code = 'FFP'

    And  Not Exists (

      Select *

      From Alert As a2

      Where a1.Name = a2.Name

      And   a2.Response_Code In ( 'RIR', 'PRR' )


    Group By Response_Code, Name



    Order By  SOrder, Name

  • I am still working on it.  It seems to work but I had to include the criteria in the Not Exixts statement as below:

    SELECT Response_Code, Site_Id, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', 1 As SOrder

    From Alert

    WHERE (Create_Date Between '8/1/05' AND '8/11/05' )AND Acknowledged = 0

    And   Response_Code = 'RIR'

    Group By Response_Code, Site_Id

    Union All

    SELECT Response_Code, Site_Id, Count(Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', 2 As SOrder

    From Alert a1

    WHERE (Create_Date Between '8/1/05' AND '8/11/05' )AND Acknowledged = 0

    And   Response_Code = 'PRR'

    And  Not Exists (

      Select *

      From Alert As a2

      Where a1.Site_Id = a2.Site_Id

    AND (Create_Date Between '8/1/05' AND '8/11/05' )AND Acknowledged = 0

      And   a2.Response_Code = 'RIR'


    Group By Response_Code, Site_Id


    This seems to show the results needed.  Now I will work on replacing the rest of the SQL statement using all the criteria.  Thanks alot for your help, this pointed me in the right direction.


  • It shouldn't be that bad... Try this:

    /*test data*/

    create table #alert (Alert_id int identity, response_code varchar(10), [name] varchar(50), create_date datetime, acknowledged bit)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Cameron Co.','20050805',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Fairfax Co.','20050806',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Middleborough','20050802',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Middleborough','20050803',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Middleborough','20050810',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('RIR','Richardson','20050805',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Baltimore City','20050809',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Baltimore City','20050811',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Baltimore City','20050804',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Baltimore City','20050802',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Baltimore City','20050820',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Middleborough','20050804',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Middleborough','20050808',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('PRR','Fairfax Co.','20050804',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('FFP','Baltimore City','20050805',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('FFP','Baltimore City','20050809',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('FFP','MECA - IMC','20050809',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('FFP','MECA - IMC','20050802',0)

    INSERT INTO #alert (response_code, [name], create_date, acknowledged) VALUES ('FFP','MECA - IMC','20050818',0)

    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime

    set @startdate = '20050801'

    set @enddate = '20050811'

    /*this is the query you need - just remove the # and it should work on your DB*/

    SELECT a.Response_Code, a.[Name], Count(a.Alert_Id) as 'Total_Alerts', Q.SOrder

    FROM #alert a


    (SELECT a1.[Name] as areaname,

     MIN(CASE a1.Response_Code

      WHEN 'RIR' THEN 1

      WHEN 'PRR' THEN 2

      WHEN 'FFP' THEN 3

      WHEN 'UNK' THEN 4

      ELSE 5

      END) as SOrder

    FROM #Alert a1

    WHERE (a1.Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate ) AND a1.Acknowledged = 0

    GROUP BY a1.[name]) as Q

     ON Q.areaname = a.[Name]

    WHERE (CASE a.Response_Code

      WHEN 'RIR' THEN 1

      WHEN 'PRR' THEN 2

      WHEN 'FFP' THEN 3

      WHEN 'UNK' THEN 4

      ELSE 5

      END) = SOrder

    AND (a.Create_Date Between @StartDate And @EndDate ) AND a.Acknowledged = 0

    GROUP BY a.Response_Code, a.[Name],Q.SOrder

    First you find out the highest priority case for each "name" (in the inner part - derived table Q), then disregard all other rows except those that have this priority. This way you get all the data you need, without any UNIONs, in one query.

    I may have misunderstood something, so if this does not work, let us know and post some actual data as well - I created some random rows, but maybe this isn't enough to test it.

    BTW, it could be even better to store the info about priorities in a table (with columns response_code, priority) instead of writing a CASE each time you need it. Then the query would be even simpler - and absolutely independent on the number of codes and priority levels.

  • Vladan,

    This works great also.  Its nice to see more than one solution to a problem.  I usually would have the Response_Code, priority in a table, and may add it and just do a join.  This would alow additions without having to re-code.  This SQL is used on a dynamic web page so I do both the SQL and web development for the web site.  Thanks everyone for all the help!!!

    Happy Holidays


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