Show only certain number of pages from SSRS

  • Hi, I have a report which may returns over 100 pages (A4 PDF). I would like to render the report in both full and suppressed version. The full version has all pages, while suppressed version only show certain number of pages, but the summary info stay the same as full version.

    Any suggestions. Thanks

  • Which pages??? The first N records per parent? What does "a certain number" mean?

    Could you give us a quick example?

  • Hi pietlinden, thanks for the reply.

    The report shows all sales people's monthly sales details. It has a summary section, which is about 2 pages, and the rest are details pages (or 90+ pages). We would like an option for user to select - Full or Suppressed version

    The full version has all 10 pages

    Suppressed version includes first 2 pages of summary, and 3 pages of details. Altogether it will be around 5 pages.

    Let me know if this is clear. Thanks



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