show data for today only

  • Hi,

    I have a table call data setup like the below:

    ID (PK) Initial (nchar10) RFID (nchar10) Time (datetime) Type (Int)

    I have a current query that displays the following


    ;with ClockIn as
    (select [Initial],[RFID],[Time] as ClockInTime from Data where Type=1)
    ,ClockOut as
    (select [Initial],[RFID],[Time] as ClockOutTime from Data where Type=2)
    select * from (
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (
    partition by ClockIn.[Initial],ClockIn.[RFID],ClockIn.[ClockInTime]
    order by ClockIn.[ClockInTime] asc) as rownum
    from ClockIn
    inner join ClockOut
    on ClockOut.[Initial]=ClockIn.[Initial]
    and ClockOut.[RFID]=ClockIn.[RFID]
    and ClockOut.[ClockOutTime] > ClockIn.[ClockInTime]
    ) ClockCombined where rownum=1

    Basically I would only want to show todays data only and non of the historical data can anyone assist with the date side of the query.

    Thanks James

  • With no readily available test data, I would try to edit the 1st CTE as follows

    ;with ClockIn as
    (select [Initial],[RFID],[Time] as ClockInTime from Data where Type=1 and [Time] >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0) )
  • Hi DesNorton,

    I have edited the query to as you advise but it returns no results.

    My data is generated from a Windows application, i would like to get this resolved and will assist were required as I require this query to complete the project.

    Kind regards,


  • You have no data for today in the screenshot you have provided.

    The script Des gave will give you data for today only, since you have none you get a empty result set.


    Dates in SQL are YMD if you are doing date manipulation in your VB.NET application then you need to pass the string to SQL in a valid ISO format.


    Based on your screen shot you have data for 9th March 2021 and 9th June 2021, there is no data in that table for 6th September 2021 or 3rd September 2021

  • Hi Ant,

    You are incorrect the  date data in the image is:

    3rd of September 2021 & 6th of the September 2021

    I agree this will no doubt have to changed to be the correct format but i am new to SQL and learning.

    Kind regards


  • Thats a negative I'm afraid, those dates are March and June, the way SQL formats dates in the output is always YMD, not YDM as you can see from this test case.

    No matter the input format, when you select the date in SQL it is YMD

    Your dates are for 9th March and 9th June according to what SQL thinks you have.

    declare @datetable table (fmt char(3), somedate datetime)
    set dateformat dmy
    insert into @datetable values ('dmy','31-01-2021')
    set dateformat mdy
    insert into @datetable values ('mdy','02-28-2021')
    set dateformat ymd
    insert into @datetable values ('ymd','2021-03-09')

    select * from @datetable


  • declare @datetable2 table (somedate datetime)
    insert into @datetable2 values ('2021-03-09'),('2021-06-09')
    select datename(month,somedate), somedate from @datetable2


  • Ok i see what you are saying so how do i change the format so my SQL date is 2021-09-06 instead of 2021-06-09 as my language is UK?

  • That would be up to the application which is inserting the data, it is sending the wrong date to SQL to store so it needs to be tackled at the application layer unfortunately.


  • I have altered the application to now record the correct date function.

    But i am still struggling to get it to show todays data only


  • DECLARE @CardSwipes TABLE (Initials VARCHAR(5), RFID INT, SwipeTime DATETIME, Flag TINYINT)

    ('GA',4321,'2021-09-01 09:00',1),
    ('AG',1234,'2021-09-07 08:00',1),
    ('AG',1234,'2021-09-07 09:00',2),
    ('AG',1234,'2021-09-07 10:00',1),
    ('JS',5678,'2021-09-07 20:00',1)

    ;WITH CardSwipeCTE AS (
    Initials, RFID, SwipeTime, Flag
    FROM @CardSwipes)
    SELECT * FROM CardSwipeCTE WHERE RN = 1 AND Flag = 1
    and swipetime >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

    This will get you what you want based on the sample date I did on the other topic.


    Can you please read through also on how to post code as its beneficial to have it as TSQL rather than an image sometimes especially if we need to manipulate the data, people wont spend time typing it all out

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