show changes from and changes to in a history table

  • hi! I have a table history of Employee data.

    id | EmpNo | EmpName | MobileNo | Email | EmpSSS | UpdateDate | UpdateUser

    I have to make a stored procedure that will show the history and changes made to a given EmpNo, with the UpdateDate, UpdateUser and indicate which field is modified. Ex. Employee Mobile number was changed from '134151235' to '23523657'.

    Result must be:

    EmpNo | UpdateDate | UpdateUser | Field changed | Change from | change to

  • I think, you need to have audit table which would be same as original table with

    two more fields version and action .action will store if it was insert,update or delete.

    create after insert ,update,delete trigger on original table.So from that audit table you can get which field is changed and updated value as well.

    There can be other better approach for this.

  • I thought of that too, but the instruction does not let me create a new table for that.

  • Is that table encrypted by any chance?

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Just curious, why are you unable to create an additional support table? I'm unable to think of a way you could have full DML history on demand without having some supporting objects to audit changes.

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

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