Show Blanks as Blanks or NULL in Date Field

  • Hi All,

    I have a table which stores Dates as Text.I want to Convert that text into Date when selecting the data.I cannot change the parent table as i have no control on it.

    Textsample is the table i have to run select query on but i want the resultant column "Date" in Date Format.

    When i convert it into Date Format the blank value are shown as 1900-01-01 because blank value are treated as Zero value.

    Is there any method i can show blanks in the result as well?

    Here the sampe query

    CREATE TABLE #TextSample ( Event VARCHAR(50), Date VARCHAR(8))

    INSERTINTO #TextSample

    SELECT'Event1' Event, '12/12/12' Date UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event2', '01/12/12' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event3', '' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event4', '20/11/12' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event5', '' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event6', ''

    select * from #TextSample

    CREATE TABLE #DateSample ( Event VARCHAR(50), Date Date)

    INSERTINTO #DateSample



    ,CONVERT(DATE, #Textsample.Date, 03) AS "Date"

    from #TextSample

    Select * from #DateSample

    DROP TABLE #TextSample

    DROP TABLE #DateSample



  • Hi,

    This will turn those dates to NULLs

    CREATE TABLE #TextSample ( Event VARCHAR(50), Date VARCHAR(8))

    INSERTINTO #TextSample

    SELECT'Event1' Event, '12/12/12' Date UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event2', '01/12/12' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event3', '' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event4', '20/11/12' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event5', '' UNION ALL

    SELECT'Event6', ''

    select * from #TextSample

    CREATE TABLE #DateSample ( Event VARCHAR(50), Date Date)

    INSERTINTO #DateSample




    WHEN #Textsample.Date = '' THEN NULL

    ELSE CONVERT(DATE, #Textsample.Date, 03)

    END AS "Date"

    from #TextSample

    Select * from #DateSample

    DROP TABLE #TextSample

    DROP TABLE #DateSample

    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

  • Hi,

    thanks for the reply.It worked


  • Hi,

    No worries, if you want to show the 1900 dates as a blank you could always convert the date back to a varchar using the appropriate style and then do an ISNULL but that should be left to the presentation layer really.



    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

  • You could also use NULLIF (which is wrapper around CASE WHEN...)


    #Textsample.Event, CONVERT(DATE,NULLIF(#Textsample.Date,''),3)

    from #TextSample

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  • Thanks! I'd never seen that before! That'll save me several lines of code next time.

    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

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