Share of sales %

  • Hello all,

    I want to find the share of sales % for each sales item.

    Fox example, Sales item can be a crate of 2 pepsi bottles and Item can be a single pepsi bottle. A single Pepsi bottle can have sub levels like the label, cap , and the actual drink inside. I want to know the the share of sales % for each of the item for a particular sales item. (Forgetting the third level). First 2 levels are enough. For example 1 crate contains 2 bottles. So each bottle contributes 50% of the actual sale.

    Please reply me ASAP, if you come out with any clue.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Can you give us more information on how your database is organised?

  • sales_item Item Qty

    01 05 2

    01 06 4

    01 07 6

    Hence share of % for each Item would be

    Item 05 : 16.67

    06: 33.33

    07: 50.00

  • This should do the trick.





    CAST(((salesx.Qty / TSPI.TotQty) * 100) AS NUMERIC(10,2)) As Prcnt

    FROM salesx


    (SELECT sales_item, CAST(sum(Qty) as NUMERIC(10,5)) TotQty FROM salesx GROUP BY sales_item) as TSPI


    TSPI.sales_item = salesx.sales_item

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Thanks Andares, It works!

    Thanks and regards,


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