share of sales %

  • Hello

    I have a sales cube where I have Sales item and item levels etc. Fox example, Sales item can be a crate of 2 pepsi bottles and Item can be a single pepsi bottle. A single Pepsi bottle can have sub levels like the label, cap , and the actual drink inside. I want to know the the share of sales % for each of the item for a particular sales item. (Forgetting the third level). First 2 levels are enough. For example 1 crate contains 2 bottles. So each bottle contributes 50% of the actual sale.

    Please reply me ASAP, if you come out with any clue.

    Thanks and regards,


  • I post this to be more specific and clear about the problem. This is the sales info for year 1995 and 1996.

    USA 5000 6500

    Boston 900 1100

    Buffalo 300 200

    California 2000 3500

    Los Angeles 500 900

    Now if I take 1996 sales and the share of % Boston could be 1100/6500 *100 and so on.

    Let me know if you get any clue.

  • Use a calculated member. If your geographical hierarchy is called 'Location', you would need to add the following MDX expression.

     ([Location].CurrentMember, Measures.[Sales]) / ([Location].CurrentMember.Parent, Measures.[Sales]) 

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