several cents off by using sum and avg function

  • I have a sql state as follow:

    If you look at the result 5*199.60 or 7*921.06 will  not exactly equal to total amount.

    Would you tell me what went wrong?

    Thank you


    select Product,count(pnref) ProductCnt,

    Convert(decimal(15,2), Avg(order_total/100.00)) AveTxnAmt,

    Convert(decimal(15,2), sum(order_total/100.00)) CSRTotalByProduct,

    avg(calllength) avgcallength

    from tis_csrtxn where year(starttxndatetime)=2007 and month(starttxndatetime)=2

    group by product


    The resutl is:

    Product1        5   199.60    998.02       5

    Product2        7   921.08    6447.53     9

    Product3        1   86.00      86.00        8

    Product4      160 1263.22    202114.44  8

  • For product1 you have a total of 998.02

    When you divide that by 5 you get 199.604 ~ average.

    When it converts 199.604 to dec(15,2) you get 199.60.

    When you multiply 199.60 by 5 it != 998.02. When you converted to dec(15,2) you rounded....

    If you round your average and then multiply it by count it will be off unless the average is exact.


  • Try making your int numbers float (example: select 5.0 * 199.60, 7.0 * 21.06 )

    not just the type, but that the number itself has decimals.

  • If you are concerned about precision and accuracy, then stay away from the float and real datatypes, which only store approximate values.

    From BOL: "Because of the approximate nature of the float and real data types, do not use these data types when exact numeric behavior is required, such as in financial applications, in operations involving rounding, or in equality checks. "


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Eddie,

    That's good comment. then, how they solve the issue? I mean how they accomplish it.



  • Betty,

    The value 6447.53 is effectively a prime number for two decimal places.  The true average of the 7 values used to produce that value cannot be expressed with only 2 decimal places. 

    If this is for a report, then the solution is either:

    a) report the average using more decimal places so it can be multiplied back to the sum, if that is important (921.0757 instead of 921.08), or

    b) for the people reading the report to understand what is actually being reported, that the averages are approximate.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Hi Eddie and Daryl,

    Thank you for your help. I appreciated very much.



  • since it is money , why not return value as money, too.

  • since it is money , why not return value as money, too.

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