Setup.exe encountered a problem and needed to close

  • I am currently installing SQL Server Enterprise 2005 on a 2 node/2 instance Cluster. During the install; I ran the Setup to install on CLU2 as the install start a comment stated that Clu1 needed to be rebooted. I rebooted CLU1 and when CLL1 came back up I received, the following message: Setup.exe encountered a problem and needed to close.

    What would have caused this issue?

    Thank you,


  • Ron,

    You should be able to find the cause of failure from setup bootstrap log. It should be located at \Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG. I would advice to read the latest log from both nodes to understand why it is failing.

    Hopefully this will be helpful for you ?

  • Thank you.

  • if your issue is around sql server 2005 it would be best to post in the appropriate forum 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Will do 🙂

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