Setting up the MOM database

  •  Hi,
    Can someone give me an explanation why I should not set my OnePoint database to autogrowth...? 

    It puzzles me to the max, since they do set this by default......and do not explain WHY....

    I know that the maximum supported db size is 30Gb and wonder why this is the max. No futher information on the max size of a logfile ( think about a REINDEX ).
    Anyone encountered this problem....

    The Netherlands


  • I know... it makes absolutely no sense. I did not do the install but the person who here did it said they will be creating a 15 gig database with autogrow turned off and it must be that way. After all of this I went in and changed the transaction log to autogrow at 50mg knowing that reindexing would cause it to grow dramatically... Our database is 7 gig today....

  • The reason can be found here.
    The reason for the 30GB limit is probably just to cover there ass...
    If you make your grooming rules agressive and use a MOM Datawarehouse to archive old data, hopefully you can keep you database under this. 
  • If the database is in a production environment, you should never turn on autogrowth. The reason is simply to avoid blocking. This can occur when SQL Server is shrinking your db/log and your application is trying to access that db, or vice-versa.

  • Markus;

    ... it makes absolutely no sense

    I totally agree on this...Sometimes I do not understand the Microsoft way !!!

    We installed it and default the Db was set to 4 GB and a log of 1 Gb and at the first reorg (reindex) it went wrong. Now we set it to 20 Gb and 10 Gb log and have no problems (yet). I wonder what will happen in a few weeks time because we have approx 50 servers running on MOM now.

    Jimmy Jen; avoid blocking

    Stuctural / architectural design error????

    While backing up neither your database or your log NEEDS to shrink ( its recommended not to use autoshrink ). Keep both files as they are or do it manualy. Normaly you HD's are big enough to grow. Ours is 250 Gb + so that will cause no immediate problems. Using SAN your 'space' is almost unlimited. 

    For reindexing I can agree but we created a daily/ weekly maintenance window which will be used by almost all servers to do their maintenace. Use this time to reindex and everything is OK starting a new week....


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