September 30, 2009 at 7:48 am
Hey all,
I've never actually done this, so maybe I'm not understanding something here. My intentions are to install SSRS on separate Windows 2008 server than where the database resides. I want the ReportServer databases to resides with in an instance on a cluster.
When doing just the SSRS install, the setup did ask me for an instance name, I left it default and the following screens reassured me that SQL was not being installed, which it did not.
So this is what I have:
ServerRPT = Windows 2008, SQL Server 2005 SSRS installed (no database instance installed)
Cluster\Instance = SQL 2005 instance on a cluster where I want the ReportServer databases to reside (no SSRS installed)
I was able to successfully install SSRS on ServerRPT. On the instance selection screen in SSRS configuration, I have tried both the cluster virtual name with and without the instance and I get "invalid name space". If I leave it as the local server, I get "a connection to the computer cannot be established" which is what I would expect as I did not install a database instance on this server.
What am I doing wrong here? Everything I've searched for online is pointing me to a web farm, which at this time we're not ready for.
September 30, 2009 at 7:56 am
Adam, if I read this right, in instance selection you want the name of the server you have installed reporting services on.
you would point RS to the cluster in the database setup option as the place you want to store you reportserver databases
September 30, 2009 at 7:59 am
george sibbald-364359 (9/30/2009)
Adam, if I read this right, in instance selection you want the name of the server you have installed reporting services would point RS to the cluster in the database setup option as the place you want to store you reportserver databases
Thanks George, but on this server that I installed SSRS, I did not install SQL with the intentions of that I could do this by pointing it to an existing instance on another server. Is this not true? Can I not have SSRS running without SQL locally on the server? Actually, after looking at SQL Server config manager, I do see that I have "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)" as my only service, so looks like I am ok here and I should be pointing locally then yes?
On the opening page of the SSRS configuration, it does display the local server. When I hit "find" it does return "MSSQLSERVER" as the instance (even though there is no SQL instance on this server). When hitting ok though, I get the error as stated earlier "a connection to the computer cannot be established" ... details "access denied". When hitting ok on this, I get a reporting services configuration manager unhandled exception:
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is available. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040219)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Management.ManagementObject.InvokeMethod(String methodName, ManagementBaseObject inParameters, InvokeMethodOptions options)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSInstance.RefreshServerStatus()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSInstance.RefreshServerStatus()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSInstance.get_DelayLoadConfiguration()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSInstance.get_Item(ConfigurationItemNames itemName)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSInstance.GetStatus(ConfigurationItemNames itemName)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.ConfigurationManager.ResetStepStatus()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.ConfigurationManager.ChangeMachine()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.ConfigurationManager.LaunchDialog()
at ReportServicesConfigUI.ConfigurationManager.OnActivated(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_Active(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmActivate(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativewindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Nativewindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 9.00.1399.00
CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Microsoft%20SQL%20Server/90/Tools/binn/RSConfigTool.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Management/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.ServiceProcess/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
< jitDebugging="true" />
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
September 30, 2009 at 8:06 am
So, I tried to run SSRS configuration manager as administrator (right click / run as admin). This time I did not get the access denied error, but instead it went right to the unhanded exception error. Looks like the same error.
Any thoughts? I'm installing SP3 now ... for some reason I have a feeling this might be my problem.
September 30, 2009 at 8:22 am
definitely install SP3 to get that out of the way.
try connecting to this RS instance via SSMS from somewhere. see what happens.
you should just connect to the local server, just ok that selection.
the logs in the logfile directory under mssql.1\reporting services might give a better error message.
This is at the limit of my RS knowledge, so any experts out there, please weigh in.
September 30, 2009 at 8:45 am
Well, I feel pretty dumb right about now ... SP3 fixed the problem.
Thanks for your help George.
September 30, 2009 at 9:11 am
Ok, well I got it all setup and such, but when trying to access http://localhost/reports or servername/reports, I get:
HTTP Error 500.23 - Internal Server Error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
Most likely causes:
•This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpHandlers section.
I am still reading up and trying to find resolution, but in the mean time if anyone reads this and help point me in the right direction, it would appreciated.
September 30, 2009 at 9:31 am
Switched from DefaultAppPool to Classic and it worked. All is well.
September 30, 2009 at 10:09 am
glad to hear it Adam. Aren't the RS errors great!
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