Setting up SQL only for the internet

  • I am currently switsching from Access to SQL server 2000. The SQL server 2000 wil run under windows 2003 and this database is only used for the internet (VBscript + ASP)

    I read somewhere the standard dbo user should not be used for the internet. What should I do then? What are the minimum rights I need to give to the 'new user'? Should I delete the dbo user completely?

    Thanks for your help!!

  • This is a topic that's not really going to be answerable in a forum post. But basically here's what you do.

    You determine the minimum rights the web application needs. Where possible you drive all access through stored procedures. You create a user-defined database role that has those permissions and nothing more. Create a SQL Server login for the web application. Give that login access to the database as a user. Make that a user a member of your user-defined role.

    DBO is always going to be present, but you just ensure the web application isn't using an account with those kinds of rights.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Fantastic! This is the info I needed. Thanks Brian! 🙂

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