Setting @@ERROR from a trigger

  • I have some business rules being enforced with a trigger. Iā€™m updating the table from several stored procedures. I want to set the @@ERROR for the stored procedure in the trigger. Then pass back the return value of the stored procedure to the calling application in this case an Access .adp (ado&vba) for success or fail I do not want to make two passes at the data, once in the proc and again on the trigger. Here are the scripts for an example of what I would like to do.


    CREATE TABLE [TrigProblem] (

                [MyID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

                [MyText] [char] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

                CONSTRAINT [PK_TrigProblem] PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED

                ( [MyID]

                )  ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    --populate table

    INSERT INTO TrigProblem (MyText)

    SELECT     'No Updates' AS MyText

    INSERT INTO TrigProblem (MyText)

    SELECT     'Anything Goes' AS MyText


    CREATE TRIGGER TrigProblem_Trigger1

    ON dbo.TrigProblem





                RAISERROR ('MyID of 1 cannot be updated' , 16,1) WITH SETERROR

                ROLLBACK TRAN   



    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.WorkBench


    UPDATE  TrigProblem

    SET     MyText = 'My New Value'

    WHERE   MyID = 1)



    Declare @return_status int

    EXEC @return_status = Workbench

    SELECT @return_status


    If anyone can give me some suggestions if this can be done and how to do it or a work around with making two passes I would appreciate it.

  • In my opinion the problem is given by the ROLLBACK TRANS statement that cause batch to stop immediately,( if you comment the statement you can see what you probably want).   What I could suggest it's the use of transaction not in the trigger, but I think you already tried it.

    If not already seen, however I can indicate the article "Rollbacks in Stored Procedures and Triggers" in the SQL Server BooksOnline.

    At the moment I haven't well understood how to solve the problem of trigger and transaction in sql server also in my applications, however I see it's a rather common problem understanding the exact mechanisms.

    Best regards

    pietro munari


  • It is possible to create your own user-defined messages using sp_addmessage (c.f., BOL).  The user-defined error numbers start at 50001.  However, messages are not database specific.  If moving the related database to a different server, the messages must also be moved (created).  Also, make sure the error number range you use does not or will not overlap with current or future ranges used by other applications.  Perhaps an offset can be used to permit you to change the range used if this is a concern. 


    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. šŸ˜‰

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