May 17, 2007 at 8:46 am
I have a DTS package that imports several different files into a table and then runs some updates on the data. The some or all of the files may or may not be there. I have an activex script that disables the data import task for each individual file if it is not there but I need the updates to run after all of the available files are imported. Right now the precedence for the update is that all of the imports are completed. Is there a way to set the precedence so the update only depends on the imports that were enabled by the activex script? I can't seem to find the syntax for this anywhere.
May 17, 2007 at 12:50 pm
Try this.
May 17, 2007 at 1:01 pm
Thanks, I found that in my searching but it only goes over enable and disableing and executing. I needed to set precedence based on which files imports are goin to run. I finally found the syntax and created this sub for anyone else interested.
sub setprec(dest,src)
Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
Set Destination = oPkg.Steps (cstr(dest))
Set Source = oPkg.Steps (cstr(src))
Set Prec = Destination.PrecedenceConstraints.New(
Prec.PrecedenceBasis = DTSStepPrecedenceBasis_ExecResult
Prec.value = DTSStepExecResult_Success
Destination.PrecedenceConstraints.Add Prec
Destination.DisableStep = False
end sub
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