set n select

  • declare @jobname varchar(30), @jobrole varchar(30)

    set @jobname='select jobname from job'

    set @jobrole='select jobrole from job'

    insert into emp2


    select emp,empname,@jobname,@jobrole from emp1

    I wud like to do tht, but may be syntax is will it work?

  • hmm... several issues.

    First - unless you plan on inserting the literal 'select jobname from job' (meaning - the STRING "'select jobname from job'") into every jobname, the syntax is wrong.

    Assuming you're looking to have that execute - you need to use dynamic SQL. But in order for that to work, the string you return needs to be a valid SQL statement. Even if that did what you were hoping for,

    insert into emp2


    select emp,empname,select jobname from job,select jobrole from job from emp1

    isn't a valid SQL statement. It's not built right, and is missing some rather crucial components as well.

    You need to read up on how to build a JOIN statement. Once you understand how to do that and WHY to do that, then we can worry about making it a dynamic statement.

    Questions to get you started:

    - how does the JOB table relate to the EMP1 table?

    - what happens when you don't JOIN two tables?

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • its a hard coding...

    jobname,jobrole will be same for all the rows in emp

  • Mike Levan (11/9/2007)

    its a hard coding...

    jobname,jobrole will be same for all the rows in emp

    Does this have anything to do with your tableA-tableB thing? If *all* emp records in emp2 will get the same jobname and jobrole you can do an update statement easily

    UPDATE emp2

    SET jobname = 'JobNameHere',

    jobrole = 'JobRoleHere'

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

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