Set Multi Row Record Set to @Variable

  • I am generating an email and I want to set the body of the email to the complete recordset of my query which will contain multiple rows. I know I can accomplish this by a cursor but is there an easier way to do this? Something to the effect of:

    select @Body =  + Invoice + ' ' + Contact  form t_Table where active = 1



  • Yes, But In this case you will face a problem if the concated string become more than your variable size

    select @Body =  @Body + Invoice + ' ' + Contact  form t_Table where active = 1

    Before this it would be a best if you can set this option

    CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF or apply the NULL case on the indiual field you are using in the query



  • I think this is one of those cases you'd be better off controlling it. Do you know how big a row can be? If so, I'd calculate how many you can put in one email, or even get the LEN and use a cursor to process row by row.

    If this is a high volume item, like every second, then you might want to SET ROWCOUNT instead and get a count of rows first and then process it batches with ROWCOUNT.

  • Rao, Thank you for the response.

    I'm not worried about reaching my variable size limit. Right now I'm only returning 4 rows with maybe 10 bytes each. However what you provided didn't exactly work.

    I had to include the select statement twice like this:




    @Body varchar(3000)

    select @body = @body + Invoice from  t_Table where active = 1

    select @body

    = @body + Invoice from   t_Table where active = 1




    Only problem is it dupes one entry so the recordset returns 7 rows but my @body shows 8 values, one of which is repeated.

  • Steve,

    Thank you for the reply as well. The rowsize isn't going to be large at all for this paticular email nor will the complete record set. However we do send a lot of SQL driven mail notifications and processing it based on rowcount sounds like something I could utilize. I love to send the appropiate department notifications when something needs to be addressed or investigated.


    I actually adjusted the syntax to elimante the dupe.



    @Body varchar(3000)

    select @body = @body + Invoice from  t_Table where active = 1

    select @body

    = @body

    print @body



  • Please can you provide me the sample data u r trying, I don't think that there should be a problem you are mentioning that it will get one row extra.

    why are you using the same statement twice.


  • Rao,

    The original statement didn't work exactly (but it was close) and utlimately helped me find my solution. It only provided results for one row. So I added a second select statement to see if that would produce different results and it did (with a duplicate row). I've since posted the new code that works correctly without dupes. Thanks again you pointed me in the right direction!


  • Another thing to remember, is that declared variables are unless initialized, null.

    So, it's common when doing this concat trick to do;

    declare @Body varchar(3000)

    SET @Body = ''

    .... continue with the rest.


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