Set group band visibilty w/ expression

  • I have an IIF function which determines my second group, "ThreeTitles":



    Fields!Title.Value = "Manager" or Fields!Title.Value = "Coordinator" or Fields!Title.Value = "Program Manager", Fields!Person.Value,"ZZZ"


    What I'm trying to figure out is the expression syntax for setting the group to hidden when the condition of "ZZZ" is met.

  • I've tried to work with the group's visibility expression of:

    =IIF(ReportItems!txtPerson is "No Mgr" and rownumber("table1_Group1")

     > 1,true, False)

    .....I'm trying to hide the group band if it's "No Mgr" in txtPerson and the count > 1

    I can see the txtPerson value and the rownumber() for the group bands, but can't get the expression to work correctly.

  • finally I figured it out by the following expression on the Visibility tab of my 2nd level group "ThreeItems" (table1_Group1 is my top level grouping, and "ThreeItems" is my second level grouping).  The field txtPerson is in the "ThreeItems" band.

    Expression in Visibilty section:


    rownumber("table1_Group1") > 1 and ReportItems!txtPerson.Value = "No Mgr / RTBF / Prgrm Mgr",True,False)


    What I wanted to do is search for Titles of only three values.  If I got those values, then I would print them, else do "ZZZ" for the anything other than those three would be last in the second level grouping. 

    My second level grouping expression was the following:



    Fields!Title.Value = "WP Manager" or Fields!Title.Value = "RTBF " or Fields!Title.Value = "Program Manager", Fields!Person.Value,"ZZZ"



    The value I had for ReportItems!txtPerson was the following expression:



    Fields!Title.Value = "WP Manager" or Fields!Title.Value = "RTBF " or Fields!Title.Value = "Program Manager", Fields!Person.Value,"No WP Mgr / RTBF / Prgrm Mgr"



    Now that I know "ZZZ" would be last in the grouping, and if the count of this 2nd level grouping was greater than 1 (meaning I did in fact have Title values w/in the three desired first) I would hide this group band.

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