Set destination tablename dynamically

  • Hi,

    I've had a search on the forum but can't find an exact answer to my question. in short:

    Is it possible to set the destination name of an import from txt file to a database table dynamically.

    I want to set the name of the txt file to pick up (done this OK) and the db & table to import into at run time based on a parameter that's passed in.

    Hope you can help (otherwise I need 18 almost identical DTS packages!!!!!!).





  • Use global variable for Keeping your run time file name. Include Dynamic Propery Task for setting the Destination table name. And set a workflow so as to do the actual task only after the completion of Dynamic Property task. See  DTSRUN  /A parameter for passing parameter value.


    DTSRUN /F "' + @PKG_PATH + '\SOME.DTS"'             

      + ' /A SOMEVAR1:8=' + @COMPANY_CODE              

      + ' /A SOMEVAR2:2=' + CAST(@PROCESS_TYPE AS VARCHAR(1))              

      + ' /A SOMEVAR3_DATE:5=' + STR(CONVERT(FLOAT, @PROCESS_DATE), 18, 12) 

    Hope this will help


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