Set and Remove Identity attribute

  • how can we set and remove Identity attribute from table using T-SQL

    My Blog:

  • You can use the command:


    To allow for insertion of identity values.

    AFAIK You cannot with T-SQL remove the Identity Property of a table, except by recreating the table.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Sorry I couldn't tell you. I want it to do from VB / ADO will I be able to use same command from that also.

    I can't try it here until tommorow

    My Blog:

  • Just Keep in mind That SET IDENTITY INSERT can only be use on 1 table at a time in the database

    and Yes you can execute it from vb too just make sure you have the necessary rights



    * Noel

  • Thankx I will check and let you know

    My Blog:

  • NOOOOOOO it is not working from VB

    here is VB code

     connSConfig.Execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [AlarmClass] ON"      


    connSConfig.Execute "Insert into [AlarmClass] (ID,AlarmClass,Priority,BPM,WAVFile,PlayType,VectoringGroupID,AlarmHelpStringID,AlarmMsg,AlarmTextColor,AlarmBackColor,AckTextColor,AckBackColor) Values (11,'Cleared',10,10,'','',0,1,'',16777215,16711680,0,16777215)"


    this gives folowing error

    Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'AlarmClass' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.


    But it is working from Query Analyzer

    My Blog:

  • Maybe you can try...

    connSConfig.Execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [AlarmClass] ON; Insert into [AlarmClass] (ID,AlarmClass,Priority,BPM,WAVFile,PlayType,VectoringGroupID,AlarmHelpStringID,AlarmMsg,AlarmTextColor,AlarmBackColor,AckTextColor,AckBackColor) Values (11,'Cleared',10,10,'','',0,1,'',16777215,16711680,0,16777215)"

    All in one query...


    Bye, Chiara

  • Scope problem, try this:

    connSConfig.Execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [AlarmClass] ON; Insert into [AlarmClass] (ID,AlarmClass,Priority,BPM,WAVFile,PlayType,VectoringGroupID,AlarmHelpStringID,AlarmMsg,AlarmTextColor,AlarmBackColor,AckTextColor,AckBackColor) Values (11,'Cleared',10,10,'','',0,1,'',16777215,16711680,0,16777215)"


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Hi Chiara!

    You are fast


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Hi /rockmoose,

    I'm a "newbie" but I hope I will contribute...

  • I am sure You will Chiara


    You must unlearn what You have learnt


    Thankx rockmoose  and Chiara for the great help


    My Blog:

  • Dinesh,

    Now that you have it working I would highly suggest you turn this into a stored procedure instead. Then you can raise an error if the insert fails for some reason. Besides, this will make your VB code much easier to follow as well.


    Sample of SP

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id('usp_AlarmClass_Ins'))


            PRINT 'Dropping usp_AlarmClass_Ins'

            DROP PROCEDURE usp_AlarmClass_Ins



    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_AlarmClass_Ins


        @ID    int

        ,@AlarmClass varchar(25)

        ,@Priority varchar(25)

        ,@BPM varchar(25)

        ,@WAVFile varchar(25)

        ,@PlayType varchar(25)

        ,@VectoringGroupID varchar(25)

        ,@AlarmHelpStringID varchar(25)

        ,@AlarmMsg varchar(25)

        ,@AlarmTextColor varchar(25)

        ,@AlarmBackColor varchar(25)

        ,@AckTextColor varchar(25)

        ,@AckBackColor varchar(25)





    INSERT INTO [AlarmClass]
































    IF @@ERROR !=0


            RAISERROR('Error Inserting Record',16,1)




    Sample of VB Code...(Note: you could also use the Command object with specific parameters too)

    connSConfig.Execute "exec usp_AlarmClass_Ins 11,'Cleared',10,10,'','',0,1,'',16777215,16711680,0,16777215"

    'Add appropriate error handling here


    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • I totally agree with Gary that the use of stored procedures is a very good idea.

    However IMO consistency in code is also important.

    If Dinesh has an application that does not rely on stored procedures, but instead contains the SQL in the code, I am not convinced that breaking the pattern just for this specific case is a good idea.

    Now the discussion of wether to embed SQL in the code or use Stored Procedures is a completely differnt issue. I think it is good to encapsulate all the CRUD operations on the database in sp's, but am not sure that Dinesh wihes to rewrite his app


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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