Set a variable to result of executed dynamic query

  • Hi,

    I am trying to populate a variable (@rows) with the result set of a dynamic sql statement (@strsql).

    If I use static sql I can simply use:-

    SELECT @rows = COUNT(*) FROM tblTest

    However if I use :-

    SET @strsql = 'COUNT(*) FROM tblTest'

    SELECT @rows = @strsql

    I get @rows set to the sql string, not the result set. Trying

    SELECT @rows = EXECUTE(@strsql)

    simply gives me an error message.

    I cannot use static sql as I need an associated WHERE clause needs to be built up first.

    Any ideas please?



  • You could use sp_executesql procedure....

    DECLARE @TotalRows INT

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(1000)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @TotalRows = COUNT( * ) FROM sysobjects'

    EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @sql, N'@TotalRows INT OUTPUT',@TotalRows = @TotalRows OUTPUT

    SELECT @TotalRows

    or you could also use table variable or temp table like

    DECLARE @TableRows TABLE( TotalRows INT NOT NULL )

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(1000)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM sysobjects'

    INSERT @TableRows( TotalRows )

    EXECUTE( @sql )

    SELECT * FROM @TableRows


  • Thanks Ramesh.

    Two points:

    1) Think I can use this. The only problem I can see is if the dynamic sql exceeds 8000 characters, but hopefully that will not be the case.

    2) The temp table method gives me an error message "EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable."

  • I forgot which forum i'm in....

    Just convert the table variable into temporary table....


  • Thanks again for your help.

    I have got the first method working and tested it against the longest sql it will encounter. Everything is working fine 🙂

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