Services SqlServer and SqlServerAgent don't start. How resolve??

  • Hi

    I have just installed again on win 11 sql server express 2022 with istance name OFFICINASERVIZI.

    But after first start it not work properly..

    I already have done this:

    Power Shell (as admin)

    New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "SQLServer default instance" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow

    New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "SQLServer Browser service" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 1434 -Protocol UDP -Action Allow

    CMD (as admin)


    REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "* 4095" /f


    REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes"

    Problem: Seem that it cannot found system database but they there are at usually path. What I should do??

    p.s. I do not have d drive but log show d path . Why?????


    error log is:

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.38 spid27s Server name is 'ZEN-BOOK-PRO-UX535LI\OFFICINASERVIZI'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid27s Starting up database 'msdb'.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid31s Starting up database 'mssqlsystemresource'.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid27s Error: 17204, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid27s FCB::Open failed: Could not open file D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\MSDBData.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 3(Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.).

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid27s Error: 5120, Severity: 16, State: 101.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.39 spid27s Unable to open the physical file "D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\MSDBData.mdf". Operating system error 3: "3(Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.)".

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.40 spid27s Error: 17207, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.40 spid27s FileMgr::StartLogFiles: Operating system error 2(Impossibile trovare il file specificato.) occurred while creating or opening file 'D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\MSDBLog.ldf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.40 spid31s The resource database build version is 16.00.1000. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.40 spid27s File activation failure. The physical file name "D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\MSDBLog.ldf" may be incorrect.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.41 Server Common language runtime (CLR) functionality initialized using CLR version v4.0.30319 from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Starting up database 'model'.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Error: 17204, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s FCB::Open failed: Could not open file D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\model.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 3(Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.).

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Error: 5120, Severity: 16, State: 101.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Unable to open the physical file "D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\model.mdf". Operating system error 3: "3(Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.)".

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Error: 17207, Severity: 16, State: 1.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s FileMgr::StartLogFiles: Operating system error 2(Impossibile trovare il file specificato.) occurred while creating or opening file 'D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\modellog.ldf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s File activation failure. The physical file name "D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\modellog.ldf" may be incorrect.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Error: 945, Severity: 14, State: 2.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s Database 'model' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.

    2025-02-17 21:02:30.42 spid31s SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '1'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.




    • Did you actually configure the instance to work with port 1433 ?
    • What happened to your D-drive ?

      It seems the files on D-drive are missing or no longer accessable (auth)

    • ps also keep in mind there are already 17 cumulative updates available for SQL2022


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  • What happened to your D-drive ?

    I not have D drive, but partition without bitlocker. Could be this the problem?



  • Unable to open the physical file "D:\dbs\sh\5uj5\1008_054209\cmd\11\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.nativeproj\model.mdf"

    SQL thinks it was installed to the D: location.

    If you don't have a D: then you'll need to uninstall SQL and install it to some drive you do have.

    Or fix what is preventing the D: from starting.

  • Here’s how to fix the issue with SQL Server not finding the system databases:

    1. Check if the D: drive still exists

    • Open File Explorer and see if D: is there.
    • If it's missing, SQL Server was likely installed when D: was available, but now it’s gone.

      Find where the database files are now

    2. Use Windows Search to locate master.mdf, model.mdf, and .ldf files.

    • If they exist on another drive, note down the correct path.
    • Fix the startup parameters in SQL Server

    3. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.

    • Go to SQL Server Services, right-click on your instance (OFFICINASERVIZI), and select Properties.
    • Under the Startup Parameters tab, update the paths to point to where the .mdf and .ldf files actually exist.
  • Looks like master database corrupt or not available.  If D drive does not exists, then why the error?

    Un-install and re-install the SQL Server again.


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