services problem..

  • I have SQL Server 2005  running on Win 2003. Whenever I use the SQL Service manager to start the service it starts then automatically stops.

    When I try to do the same thing through the control panel services manager I get a message saying that the service started then stopped and that this happens for some services when they have no work to do.

    Any ideas?

  • Do you have service packs installed. If not trying going for SP2 and start your service and check if its ok.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • The SQL Server services are always running.  If they stop their is a problem.  Check both the sql server logs, and the agent logs.  Also the NT logs.  I would guess security is not configured right on the service that stops.  It may not be automaticaly stopping but terminating abnormaly.  Check service account and password.

  • yes might be a permission issue. Check for permissions in registry, default installation pths, other installation paths and sql file paths.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks everyone for is what had happend..

    I did update/checked security.etc..but din't help...

    I have 2 instance of sql server running(2000 and 2005). Accidently while making some changes i had defined 1433 as default port for both server. I then removed this 1433 from the sql server 2005(which was giving me problem). It now works....

    Thanks again for inputs and sorry for delay in sharing the solution...




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