Services on same or separate servers

  • I am doing research on SQL Server 2005 and have not yet found any definitive answers to the question:

    Should the separate components/services (Database, Analysis, Reporting, and SSIS) be on the same server or on separate servers.

    While I continue to research this and try to find appropriate documentation, has anyone tested this? What did you find out? Has anyone seen any white papers, other documentation about best practices on installing the different components/services?


  • Most of my servers have these services running on the same server without any issue. Database, Reporting, and SSIS. We don't have Analysis installed.

    SQL DBA.

  • Y, it really just depends on how busy those services are going to be. There's nothing wrong with putting them on the same box as long as the box can handle it.

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  • It all depends on your servers hardware strength and performance. mostly running them in single machine will be no problem unless something is messed up.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I would suggest to have the Reporting services installed seperatley, because RS needs IIS Enabled and for security reasons its not a good idea to have SQL and IIS running on the same box.

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