Service Pack Checking

  • Is there any way to check when service pack has been installed in the system?

  • Try


    Date of the last modification is there.

  • That's not correct, that date is the date associated with the service pack itself, not when it was installed. Try Add/Remove Programs - Look for the service pack in there. I'm sure there's a more accurate way (modified date of some .dll somewhere, perhaps), because if you have several instances on the machine, I believe the date in Add/Remove would be from the first installation of the service pack, not for any subsequent installs.

    "Got no time for the jibba jabba!"
    -B.A. Baracus

  • ahutchens, I believe you are right! - except it says "Date Last Used" under Add/Remove Programs , which I know is the install date of the sp and hotfix (we just built a new machine). Not sure what it would say for multiple instances either. As far as .dll files, usually it's the MS date of creation. Maybe somelse can point to a more definitive answer, but for now, this works for me. Thanks for the tip.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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