Service Pack 4 for SQL 2000

  • Hi!

    I have tried installing service pack 4 for sql 2000.  I have encountered a problem while applying the sp4 for the msde part.  At first it would not install because it required a stong sa password.  I modified the setup.ini in an attempt to rectify the problem.  I now get the following error messaage:  The instance name specified is invalid.

    Can anyone help with this?  I would appreciate it.  Thanks in advance for your help.

  • You say you are installing the MSDE part, the database is MSDE not Standard or Enterprise edition correct?

    How many instances do you have? How did you provide the name of the instance? If it is a named instance, you need to provide the server name (\\servername\instancename).


  • Here is what my ini file looks like:



    TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql$Mssqlserver$RPMS\Binn\"



    When I go to install it still tells me instance name is invalid.

    Does anyone have any ideas?




  • The entry for the instance name looks to be incorrect.  I think SQLBill typed it by mistake.

    The correct entry should be something like


    i.e. machinename\instanceName

  • Thanks for the tip but it still gives me instance name invalid.



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