Service Broker -- Where to start

  • I found on my enterprise a 3rd party server with service broker installed and I think it is running and that the application uses it but honestly, I'm not sure it's being used.

    How can I tell if service broker is being used?

    Is there a way to see what messages are being passed between databases?

    What is a good resource for information on Service Broker, not from a developers view, but from an DBA or Administration point of view?

    I googled and googled but I'm learning that I don't really know enough about it to google the right information. I'm not sure where to start. Maybe I need to get a good book on the subject. Any suggestions?

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  • You could start search BOL (BooksOnLine, the SQL Server help system) for "Service Broker, catalog views". The result will be a list of system views related to SB. One of them is sys.transmission_queue which might help you to see what preocesses will use SB.

    I use once in a while as a resource and found it very helpful.

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  • Thanks I'll check that site out. I looked through BOL before I posted. I'm not sure why, maybe it's just a mental block, but everything I've tried to read about service broker, seams to me like it's written in a complete unrecognizable foreign language. :unsure:

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  • Query the sys.service_message_types, sys.service_contracts, sys.service_queues, sys.conversation_endpoints catalog views.

    For exemple, this query (taken from gets the contracts for the defined services:

    SELECTsv.[name] AS [Service],

    sc.[name] AS [Contract]

    FROM sv

    JOIN sys.service_contract_usages scu ON sv.service_id = scu.service_id

    JOIN sys.service_contracts sc ON scu.service_contract_id = sc.service_contract_id

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