Server Slow and CPU Utilization High

  • Hey - This is just a WAG. Check users and see if there is "Ghost Cleanup" running. This shows up from time to time and can suck resources and performance.

  • Hi

    There is no ghost cleanup or any process is running. Only sqlservices is using the maximum resource.

    what else to be checked.

  • This is a SQL Server 2000 issue addressed in the wrong forum.

    Is it the query or any other parameter that is hiting the CPU usage?

    Some time by restarting the SQL Agent, CPU spike comes down.

    May be Hardware issue. Check the perfmon and System event log.

    Even check if there is any background job is running when you run these query !!

    For Query :


    1.update the statistics for tables and also all the indexes used in for the Query.

    2. May be too much of index fragmentation -- Reindex

    3. Check if there is any schema changes

    4. Bad query plan / what types of join is it nested join

    5. May be due to “parameter sniffing.”

    6. Check if there is any blocking? Sysprocesses output that will be in the pssdiag tool too.

    From the pssdiag out put find out the top ten cpu intensive query and check the above points in it.

    Resolving high CPU utilization issues can be very time-consuming, especially when you don't know where the problem lies. Try to solve the problem, and not the symptoms. With proper optimization techniques, such as adding proper indexes, redesigning badly written queries, and so on, you can avoid almost all of these issues.

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • I mean to check the health of each physical drive in your array.

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