Server Roles and Database Access

  • I need to know if my Sql Server Logins has a Server Role assigned  and which of Sql database they have access.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I don't know of a function to give you what you are looking for that already exists in SQL Server (not that it doen't exist, i just don't know about it...  so here is what I do)

    It returns a result set that contains the databases that a user has access to and the roles that the user has in each database.


    --               USER REPORT                                 


    DECLARE @tblDatabases TABLE (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),vcDatabase VARCHAR(255))

    DECLARE @iRowId INT,@vcDatabase VARCHAR(255),@vcLoginName VARCHAR(255),@vcSQL VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @vcRoleName VARCHAR(255),@iRowCount INT

    DECLARE @tblUserRoles TABLE(iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),vcLoginName VARCHAR(255),vcDatabase VARCHAR(255),vcRoleName VARCHAR(255))


    CREATE TABLE #tblUserDbs (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),vcLoginName VARCHAR(255), vcDatabase VARCHAR(255))


    --            SET USER FOR REPORT HERE             


    SET @vcLoginName = USER -- Set to specific user


    --            SET USER FOR REPORT HERE             


    INSERT INTO @tblDatabases Select name from master..sysdatabases

    SET @iRowId = @@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE @iRowId > 0


     SET @vcDatabase = (Select vcDatabase from @tblDatabases where iRowId = @iRowId)

     SET @vcSQL = 'select '''+@vcLoginName+''','''+@vcDatabase+''' from ['+@vcDatabase+'].[dbo].[sysusers] where name = '''+@vcLoginName+''' and hasdbaccess = 1'

     INSERT INTO #tblUserDbs EXEC(@vcSQL)

     SET @iRowId = @iRowId - 1



    --Select vcLoginName,vcDatabase from #tblUserDbs

    SET @iRowId = (Select count(*) from #tblUserDbs)

    WHILE @iRowId > 0


     SET @vcDatabase = (Select vcDatabase from #tblUserDbs where iRowId = @iRowId)


     CREATE TABLE #tblRoles (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),RoleName VARCHAR(255),RoleId INT,IsAppRole INT)

     CREATE TABLE #tblMembers (iRowId INT IDENTITY(1,1),DbRole VARCHAR(255),MemberName VARCHAR(255),MemberSID BINARY(16))


     INSERT INTO #tblRoles exec sp_helprole

     SET @iRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT


     WHILE @iRowCount > 0


      TRUNCATE TABLE #tblMembers

      SET @vcRoleName = (Select RoleName From #tblRoles Where iRowId = @iRowCount)

      INSERT INTO #tblMembers EXEC sp_helprolemember @vcRoleName

      INSERT INTO @tblUserRoles Select @vcLoginName,@vcDatabase,DbRole from #tblMembers where MemberName = @vcLoginName


      SET @iRowCount = @iRowCount - 1



     drop table #tblRoles

     drop table #tblMembers

     SET @iRowId = @iRowId - 1


    select vcLoginName,vcDatabase,vcRoleName from @tblUserRoles

    DROP TABLE #tblUserDBs 




  • You can use sp_helplogins and sp_helpsrvrolemember or look in the Security folder in Enterprise Manager.



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