April 26, 2012 at 2:15 am
all looks ok to me - mostly
here's a test for you to perform (i have a suspicion i know what the problem is)
open up management studio and open 4 query windows - put the same proc call in all windows and excute them as close to each other as possible (so that you have several calls at the same time)
do they all run in 5 seconds? or do some of them run a lot longer?
if they all run in approx the same time then maybe you should look at your network switch and see if the right settings are in place - if your sql server is sending data that is causing conflicts on the switch (if you on autonegotiate or the switch is set at 10/100 and you are on 10/1000)
also check the settings of your IIS server too!
it's just a theory though
May 6, 2012 at 8:11 pm
Update on the scenario of my inquiry:
We are able to try using a Dual Core PC with 4GB Memory (Windows 2008 Enterprise, SQLServer 2008 Entreprise).
Guess what? Number of users increases and the concurrent retrieval operation (11 current users of the module) is around 1-2 sec only (sometimes fraction of a second).
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