server name and network server name not the same

  • I'm trying to setup replication on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.4213.0 (X64)
        Jun 9 2015 12:06:16
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
        Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: )

    It's failing to setup because the servername is different that the network name. After researching it appears i need to do the below. My issue is that this is a production server and if i have apps connection the servername in the sp_dropserver command then will they now longer to connect? Are there any other concerns?

    -- Use the Master database
    USE master

    -- Declare local variables
    DECLARE @serverproperty_servername varchar(100),
    @servername varchar(100)

    -- Get the value returned by the SERVERPROPERTY system function
    SELECT @serverproperty_servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))

    -- Get the value returned by @@SERVERNAME global variable
    SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), @@SERVERNAME)
    select @servername
    -- Drop the server with incorrect name
    EXEC sp_dropserver @server=@servername

    -- Add the correct server as a local server
    EXEC sp_addserver @server=@serverproperty_servername, @local='local'

  • this is the error i get

  • how far have you got, is replication enabled, more detail please.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I haven't done anything yet. I was planning on doing the drop server this weekend for the 100dw01-new. I don't think it should hurt anything because there is no alias for it so u cant u connect to it. I think it's residue from when they move the environment to a new box. The new box was called 100dw01-new initially. Once they did the move they renamed it to 100dw01. I suspect after the move and first reboot it loaded those values. Then they renamed it and did another reboot and it left some orphaned data in there

    It bothers me that I have to drop it. I was hoping someone would advise to just update all the data from 100dw01-new to 100dw01

  • closing the loop here. i ended up doing the following

    -- Use the Master database
    USE master

    -- Declare local variables
    DECLARE @serverproperty_servername varchar(100), 
    @servername varchar(100)

    -- Get the value returned by the SERVERPROPERTY system function
    SELECT @serverproperty_servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))

    -- Get the value returned by @@SERVERNAME global variable
    SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), @@SERVERNAME)
    select @servername
    -- Drop the server with incorrect name
    EXEC sp_dropserver @server=@servername
    --The good servername was already created as a remote server so i had to remove it's linked server before adding it as the local
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'XXXXXX', @droplogins='droplogins'
    -- Add the correct server as a local server
    EXEC sp_addserver @server=@serverproperty_servername, @local='local' 

    exec sp_serveroption 'XXXXX','Data Access','true'

    Restart sql service. You may need to reboot however for whatever reason i didn't have to. Some articles said it required a reboot if your using reporting services. I'm using reporting services and it wasn't affected.

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