Server Migration: 32 bit to 64 bit

  • I have a powerful piece of hardware: 4 CPU, 10GB RAM, 40 X 15K SAS drives running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 32 bit with 32 bit SQL Server. This is a consolidated server with 124 databases and many applications connected. For serveral reasons...primarly SharePoint 2010 on the horizon, I need to migrate this server to 64 bit OS and 64 bit SQL (the majority of DB's on this server currently service a young SharePoint install which is definitely growing).

    Since there is no upgrade path from 32 bit to 64 bit (OS or SQL), I need to identify the correct method for migration.

    I'm planning to install a brand new OS and SQL install and then develope a migration procedure for all DB's. Is there a good way to do this? The last time I tried this was with SQL 2000 and it was a nightmare. I had to manually drop and recreate all server/db users and recreate them (not all were documented...which is a problem again for me now) and I'm hoping there is a slam dunk migration process for this situation these days.

    Please let me know...all input welcome.

    Thanks. RH

  • I suggest backup\restore to get the database across. detach\attach is an alternative but copy the files rather than move else you have no backout.

    the users will come across with the databases. To ensure they match to their logins google sp_help_revlogin which will produce a script for you which can be loaded into the new server, this will maintain their sids and passwords.


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