Server Errors


    Hi peeps:

    I'm not sure if this is specifically related to SQL, but does anyone know how to deal with a HTTP 500 - Internal server error

     I have an ASP script that is writing to an SQL database using a Stored Procedure.  I've verified that the Stored Procedure works...

    any ideas?



  • Dudette, make a new page, or take a old one that worked before you started doing that page and run it. If this one works then the error is in the code of the new page that I already told you how to fix.

  • I figured how to get rid of that error message and get "real" error messages. 

    In IE, goto Tools -> Internet Options->Advanced and turn off Friendly Error Messages...


    BTW, the "real" error is:

     ADODB.Command error '800a0bb9'

    Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

    fg_2.asp, line 135

    LINE 135 is:

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

  • is the include file working?? that shouldn't fail with that on.

  • I assume it's working...I have this line in there:

    <!--#include virtual=""-->

    and I put that file in the same directory as the script.




  • make a new asp file in the same directory, with just the include line and response.write adCmdStoredProc

    If that fails then this is your problem, if not then you just found out why I don't like asp's design tools.

  • It was a problem with my include file...I fixed it, but now I get this error:

     ADODB.Connection error '800a0e79'

    Operation is not allowed when the object is open.

    /fgates/fg_insert_2.asp, line 1164

    strangely, line 1164 is blank...

    1161 MyParam.Type = adChar


    1163 MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam


    1165 Set MyParam = SERVER.CREATEOBJECT ("ADODB.Parameter")

  • follow my template... open the connection at the last second and CLOSE it right after the call is made.

  • Ha!

    I finally got it so that it displays no errors!  No errors!

    But now it's just a blank screen.  Is there a way to return a value or something so that I know that it works?  I can go into sql manager and check the database, but I'd like for the script to return something to show that it worked correctly.


    Any thoughts?

    Thanks GUYS!


  • check the return value (almost last line of code). If it's 0 it worked, then you can do response.redirect (.url????) and send 'em to another page.

  • You mean this line(red)?

    MyCmd.Execute exec_sp_biginsert


    ReturnValue = CInt(MyCmd.Parameters("@Return").Value)

    Set MyParam = Nothing

    Set MyCmd = Nothing



    What do I do with it?  Just a response.write(ReturnValue)? or if ReturnValue=0 then response.redirect(success.asp) else response.redirect(failed.asp)?




  • if it's over 0 it's an error, else it's ok. You show the users what you want 'em to see.

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