Server ERROR

  • Hi All,

    Please help.Is there a way to fetch a server error to a variable.

    For example.

    I will create 1 SP by Name Sample1 in DB 1 Using XP_CMDSHELL.

    Instead of altering it ,i will again try to create the same script again and i am persisting the error message in a output file.

    Server returns the below error in output.txt file.

    Msg 2714, Level 16, State 3, Server aaaaa, Procedure Sample1 , Line 3

    There is already an object named 'Sample1' in the database.

    How can i fetch the above error to a variable?


    Vijay Singh

  • Post your script which you are using

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Hi ,

    Please find the script below.


    DECLARE @ServerNamesysname

    DECLARE @DBNamesysname

    DECLARE @SourceFoldernvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @OutputFoldernvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @ScriptNamenvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @ScriptFullPathNamenvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @Cmdnvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @Postinyint

    DECLARE @Order tinyint

    DECLARE @ScriptRunOrdertinyint

    DECLARE @Messagenvarchar(1000)

    --DECLARE @ScriptName1nvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @ScriptList table


    ScriptRunOrder tinyint NOT NULL,

    ScriptName nvarchar (500)NOT NULL


    DECLARE @ScriptListTemp table


    ScriptName nvarchar (500)NULL


    DECLARE @DatabaseList table


    DatabaseID int,

    DBName sysname



    -- Initialisation...


    SELECT @ServerName = 'My-Server' -- change it to reflect target server name...

    SELECT @SourceFolder = 't:' -- change it to reflect script source location...

    SELECT @OutputFolder = 't:' -- change it to reflect script output location...

    SELECT @Cmd = 'master..xp_cmdshell ''DIR ' + @SourceFolder + ' /B'''

    IF ((SELECT @@SERVERNAME) <> @ServerName)


    RAISERROR ('Sorry, wrong server !!!', 17, 1)



    INSERT INTO @DatabaseList (DatabaseID, DBName)

    SELECT database_id, name

    FROM sys.databases

    --WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model', 'msdb','tempdb') -- this can be changed to include one or more databases

    WHERE name IN ('Elektra') -- this can be changed to include one or more databases

    ORDER BY database_id ASC

    INSERT INTO @ScriptListTemp


    DELETE FROM @ScriptListTemp WHERE (ScriptName IS NULL OR ScriptName LIKE '%.TXT')

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT* FROM @ScriptListTemp)


    RAISERROR ('Sorry, no files present in the source folder !!!', 17, 1) WITH NOWAIT



    SELECT TOP 1 @ScriptName = ScriptName FROM @ScriptListTemp ORDER BY ScriptName ASC

    SET @Order=1



    SELECT @Pos =CHARINDEX('.', @ScriptName)

    SELECT @ScriptFullPathName = @SourceFolder + '\'+ @ScriptName

    INSERT INTO @ScriptList (ScriptRunOrder, ScriptName)VALUES (@Order, @ScriptFullPathName)

    DELETE FROM @ScriptListTemp WHERE ScriptName = @ScriptName

    SELECT TOP 1 @ScriptName = ScriptName FROM @ScriptListTemp ORDER BY ScriptName ASC

    SET @Order =@Order+1


    --SELECT * FROM @ScriptList


    -- Execution of scripts...


    SELECT TOP 1 @DBName = DBName FROM @DatabaseList ORDER BY DatabaseID ASC

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @DatabaseList)


    SELECT @Message = 'Database - '+ @DBName

    RAISERROR (@Message, 10,1) WITH NOWAIT

    SELECT @Message = '====================================================================='

    RAISERROR (@Message, 10,1) WITH NOWAIT

    SELECT TOP 1 @ScriptName = ScriptName, @Order = ScriptRunOrder FROM @ScriptList ORDER BY ScriptRunOrder ASC

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT ScriptRunOrder FROM @ScriptList WHERE ScriptRunOrder = @Order)


    SELECT @ScriptRunOrder = @Order

    SELECT @Message = 'Now processing script file ' + @ScriptName

    RAISERROR (@Message, 10,1) WITH NOWAIT

    SET @Cmd ='sqlcmd -E -S ' + @ServerName +' -d ' + @DBName +' -i "' + @ScriptName +'" -o "' +@OutputFolder + '\'+ @DBName + '_'+'ScriptName_['+

    SUBSTRING (SUBSTRING(@ScriptName,CHARINDEX('\',@ScriptName)+1,LEN(@ScriptName)),1,CHARINDEX('.',SUBSTRING(@ScriptName,CHARINDEX('\',@ScriptName)+1,LEN(@ScriptName)))-1)+ ']'+'_Results.txt"'

    EXEC master..XP_CMDSHELL @Cmd,no_output

    SELECT TOP 1 @ScriptName = ScriptName, @Order = ScriptRunOrder FROM @ScriptList WHERE ScriptRunOrder > @Order ORDER BY ScriptRunOrder ASC

    IF (@Order = @ScriptRunOrder) BREAK


    DELETE FROM @DatabaseList WHERE DBName = @DBName

    SELECT TOP 1 @DBName = DBName FROM @DatabaseList ORDER BY DatabaseID ASC





  • the problem with pushing the CMD output to variable is that the output is generally more than 1 value (IE. multiple lines or "rows" in SQL Server)

    Had a similar issue a while ago and used to use a Table and push the output into the table.

    I think this is it...

    insert into tableXXX

    exec xp_cmdshell 'dir "c:\"'

    For the error message above, you should get 2 rows in the table.

  • grahamc (11/30/2010)

    the problem with pushing the CMD output to variable is that the output is generally more than 1 value (IE. multiple lines or "rows" in SQL Server)

    Had a similar issue a while ago and used to use a Table and push the output into the table.

    I think this is it...

    insert into tableXXX

    exec xp_cmdshell 'dir "c:\"'

    For the error message above, you should get 2 rows in the table.

    Hi grahamc ,

    Thanks for the code.

    But i need the out put which i am persisting in output file.



  • vijay.singh 97987 (11/30/2010)

    grahamc (11/30/2010)

    the problem with pushing the CMD output to variable is that the output is generally more than 1 value (IE. multiple lines or "rows" in SQL Server)

    Had a similar issue a while ago and used to use a Table and push the output into the table.

    I think this is it...

    insert into tableXXX

    exec xp_cmdshell 'dir "c:\"'

    For the error message above, you should get 2 rows in the table.

    Hi grahamc ,

    Thanks for the code.

    But i need the out put which i am persisting in output file.



    Then add something like:

    Exec xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT * FROM tableXXX" queryout "C:\data.txt" -S.\SQL2008r2 -T -c'


  • the other option is to look at the CMD options for outputting a file, EG.

    ping >filename.txt

  • Hi grahamc,

    Thanks for your replies.This is not meeting my requirment.

    What i am trying to do is, i am trying to automate script execution.

    Here i am logging the error of the query in a text file in X drive.But i need the error to be mailed using SQL mail without using the output file attached. Instead the body of the mail should contain the error which is in output text file.

    Is there any way to insert the error into physical/ temp table and then i can fetch the error and send mail?

    Below is the query i am using to get the error in Output file.

    SET @Cmd ='sqlcmd -E -S ' + @ServerName +' -d ' + @DBName +' -i "' + @ScriptName +'" -o "' [highlight=#ffff11]+@OutputFolder + '\'+ @DBName + '_'+'ScriptName_['+

    SUBSTRING (SUBSTRING(@ScriptName,CHARINDEX('\',@ScriptName)+1,LEN(@ScriptName)),1,CHARINDEX('.',SUBSTRING(@ScriptName,CHARINDEX('\',@ScriptName)+1,LEN(@ScriptName)))-1)+ ']'+'_Results.txt[/highlight]"'

    Please advice.



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