server down - restart no help

  • If the server is down and restart doesnt' fix, what is next step to try to solve.?

  • Try checking the mssql service under services. Is it started?

    Check the server application logs, it may give you a clue why its not started.

  • You may find some help in the want ads?

    No just kidding... trouble shoot from source of problem, eliminate causes using process of elimination... Like Ray suggested;

    Start with operating system utilities and logs to determine the problem or at least when it first became a problem... then try OS recovery of registry if helpful...

    Next move on to SQL engine and how its started, check for changes in permissions between OS and SQL...

    Then do same for SQL, try manual start up, and get help from someone who works with backups and recovery (this is critical)...

    I going to suggest you may have a job which cant complete and cannot abort successfully. You may be able to view running jobs during startup and kill it or not?


    Coach James

  • Thanks Coach! We did get it up again - there was a password problem (?change) when reboot tried to restart the SQL Server.

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