Server Disk space usage.

  • Is there some tables where the space usage info is been saved?

    I am trying to come up with a report showing trends in disk space usage, file growth. The reports available with SQL 2005 SP2 dose provide this kind of data. Does anyone know where and how are these reports fetching the data. The reports I need to generate will need data regarding:

    1) Capacity of the logical disk on server.

    2) Free space available on each of the logical drives on the server.

    3) Size and location of all the file groups on all DB's housed on this server.

    I appreciate your help.

  • Can you do it if we provide you with t-sql scripts to fetch the same info?


  • For free space, try xp_fixeddrives

    Use SYSALTFILES for location and size of databases..


  • I can create a t-sql for this myself. That is not what I am looking for. From the reports that are generated in SQL Server 2005 SP 2, I think that this data is been stored some where as it provides historical information as well. Even I need to maintain historical info for the usage trends. SO I thought instead of having to run the t-sql and storing it in some table, I can use the data if already stored in some sys table by sql. Does anyone know of any table where it stored this kind of data? Or, does anyone know how are these reports been generated with historical information in it?

  • U can find out space in sql server:

    ---- sp_spaceused


  • I couldn't find a sys table that held this data historically so here is my TSQL stab at it. This query will pull the disk usage for all databases on a specific server and insert it into a permanent table. It will include a datadate for each time it runs so you can do historical trending. If you know of a better way of doing this please let me know.



    DECLARE cChangeDatabase CURSOR FOR

    SELECT Name

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE dbid > 4

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DiskUtilization','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #DiskUtilization

    CREATE TABLE #DiskUtilization (

    TableName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    ,Rows VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    ,Reserved VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    ,Data VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    ,IndexSize VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    ,Unused VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL


    OPEN cChangeDatabase


    ,@DbName NVARCHAR(255)

    FETCH NEXT FROM cChangeDatabase INTO @DbName



    SET @SqlStr =

    'USE ' + @DbName + '


    SELECT TableName = '''''''' + LTRIM(SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)) + ''.'' + LTRIM(so.Name) + ''''''''

    FROM sys.objects so

    WHERE so.type = ''U'' AND

    SUBSTRING(,1,CHARINDEX(''.'', <> ''' + @DbName + '''

    --GROUP BY '''''''' + LTRIM(SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)) + ''.'' + LTRIM(so.Name) + ''''''''

    OPEN cCalcDiskSpace


    ,@TableName NVARCHAR(255)

    FETCH NEXT FROM cCalcDiskSpace INTO @TableName



    SET @SqlString = ''USE ' + @dbName + ' INSERT INTO #DiskUtilization EXECUTE sp_spaceused '' + @TableName

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlString

    FETCH NEXT FROM cCalcDiskSpace INTO @TableName


    CLOSE cCalcDiskSpace

    DEALLOCATE cCalcDiskSpace'

    --SELECT @sqlStr

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlStr

    SET @SqlStr =

    'USE ' + @DbName + '

    INSERT INTO PermanentDiskUtilizationTable (











    SELECT DatabaseName = db_name()

    ,SchemaName = SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)



    FROM #DiskUtilization dt

    JOIN sys.objects so ON

    dt.TableName = and

    so.type = ''U''

    WHERE dt.TableName <> ''dtproperties''

    TRUNCATE TABLE #DiskUtilization'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlStr

    FETCH NEXT FROM cChangeDatabase INTO @DbName


    CLOSE cChangeDatabase

    DEALLOCATE cChangeDatabase

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