Sequential read from table

  • I am fairly new to T-SQL and have some experience in Oracle PL/SQL.

    Here is the case:

    I have to read records sequentially from some table in MSSQL database and (on some condition) do something with read data.

    In Oracle I use following code:


    for i in (select ID, Name from table where ID between 1 and 3)


    dbms_output.put_line(i.Name); --simplified example

    end loop;


    In this case there will be written 3 names in the console window.

    How can I do the same in T-SQL, in simplest code?

    Thanks in advance,


    I miss SQL Server so much. Now I'm working on Oracle and hate it

  • This type of processing is referred to as RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row), because it is a HORRIBLY inefficient approach in the vast majority of cases. Why don't you tell us what you're actually trying to accomplish, and we'll help you figure out if it can be done with a set-based approach instead.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Sounds like your after a *shivers* Cursor.

    Would this do the job?

    Create Table #Loop (ID int, Name varchar(20))

    Insert into #Loop

    VAlues (1, 'Steve'),

    (2, 'Jane'),

    (3, 'George'),

    (4, 'Harold')

    Declare @Name varchar(20)

    Declare Loop_Cursor Cursor for

    Select Name

    from #loop

    where id between 1 and 3

    Open Loop_Cursor

    Fetch NEXT from Loop_Cursor INTO @Name

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    print @name

    Fetch NEXT from Loop_Cursor INTO @Name


    Close Loop_cursor

    Deallocate Loop_cursor

    Drop table #Loop

    drew.allen (6/7/2016)

    This type of processing is referred to as RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row), because it is a HORRIBLY inefficient approach in the vast majority of cases. Why don't you tell us what you're actually trying to accomplish, and we'll help you figure out if it can be done with a set-based approach instead.


    Of course, as Drew is said, doing this set-based would be a much better idea.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • This will give you the outcome you requested, if not the implementation.

    select Name from table where ID between 1 and 3 order by ID;

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • tomd-982312 (6/7/2016)

    I am fairly new to T-SQL and have some experience in Oracle PL/SQL.

    Here is the case:

    I have to read records sequentially from some table in MSSQL database and (on some condition) do something with read data.

    In Oracle I use following code:


    for i in (select ID, Name from table where ID between 1 and 3)


    dbms_output.put_line(i.Name); --simplified example

    end loop;


    In this case there will be written 3 names in the console window.

    How can I do the same in T-SQL, in simplest code?

    Thanks in advance,


    1) Your code has nothing that I see that GUARANTEES the order of the rows unless Oracle GUARANTEES that reading from a table like you did returns the rows in a certain order. In SET BASED PROCESSING according to the ANSI standard there is NO guarantee of order unless you EXPLICITLY specify it. SQL Server certainly has no such guarantee. Even selecting data from a clustered index is not guaranteed to return the data in clustered index order unless you include an order by clause that duplicates the clustered index key(s).

    2) Your output can be achieved with this simple set-based statement:

    SELECT Name

    FROM table

    WHERE id BETWEEN 1 and 3

    ORDER BY "whatever the heck you want the data ordered by"

    BTW, that statement should work on any ANSI compliant RDBMS platform.

    3) As others said, row-by-agonizing-row processing is unbelievably inefficient in SQL Server.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Having to use dbms_output.put_line(); is one of the many reasons that I hate Oracle.

    T-SQL has a simpler way to work as stated before. If you need help on the "do something with read data." part ask about that so we can help you see your problem as set based instead of using row by row processing.

    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:

    "Stop thinking about what you want to do to a row... think, instead, of what you want to do to a column."

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • drew.allen (6/7/2016)

    This type of processing is referred to as RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row), because it is a HORRIBLY inefficient approach in the vast majority of cases. Why don't you tell us what you're actually trying to accomplish, and we'll help you figure out if it can be done with a set-based approach instead.


    I have to migrate some data from old DB to new DB. Database models are different so I have to do it RBAR way. When I get one record, depending on some values, I have to decide what's next.

    So, I need to read table sequentially, sometimes I did that in Oracle and now I have to do it MSSQL.

    I miss SQL Server so much. Now I'm working on Oracle and hate it

  • tomd-982312 (6/8/2016)

    drew.allen (6/7/2016)

    This type of processing is referred to as RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row), because it is a HORRIBLY inefficient approach in the vast majority of cases. Why don't you tell us what you're actually trying to accomplish, and we'll help you figure out if it can be done with a set-based approach instead.


    I have to migrate some data from old DB to new DB. Database models are different so I have to do it RBAR way. When I get one record, depending on some values, I have to decide what's next.

    So, I need to read table sequentially, sometimes I did that in Oracle and now I have to do it MSSQL.

    Database models being different does not mean you need to do it RBAR - Over the last 4 years I was the lead architect of a project that did the migration of 4 different insurance models to another one and no RBAR used at all.

    you may need to use temp tables - yes

    you may need to do more than one pass at the data - yes

    you may need to have several blocks of code, each one processing a block of mapping rules - yes.

    but use RBAR ? - highly unlikely

    so if you wish us to help you give us some data and a sample of what you are trying to do with that data - original model, destination model and mapping rules.

  • Guys, this topic is not about efficiency, or RBAR, or order by, or dbms_output.put_line().

    I'm just trying to find simple code that reads sequentially row by row from table. It's a one-time job.

    Thom A, thank you, I'll try with your suggestion.



    I miss SQL Server so much. Now I'm working on Oracle and hate it

  • frederico_fonseca (6/8/2016)

    tomd-982312 (6/8/2016)

    drew.allen (6/7/2016)

    This type of processing is referred to as RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row), because it is a HORRIBLY inefficient approach in the vast majority of cases. Why don't you tell us what you're actually trying to accomplish, and we'll help you figure out if it can be done with a set-based approach instead.


    I have to migrate some data from old DB to new DB. Database models are different so I have to do it RBAR way. When I get one record, depending on some values, I have to decide what's next.

    So, I need to read table sequentially, sometimes I did that in Oracle and now I have to do it MSSQL.

    Database models being different does not mean you need to do it RBAR - Over the last 4 years I was the lead architect of a project that did the migration of 4 different insurance models to another one and no RBAR used at all.

    you may need to use temp tables - yes

    you may need to do more than one pass at the data - yes

    you may need to have several blocks of code, each one processing a block of mapping rules - yes.

    but use RBAR ? - highly unlikely

    so if you wish us to help you give us some data and a sample of what you are trying to do with that data - original model, destination model and mapping rules.

    There are 116 tables in the old model and 88 tables in the new model. Almost everything is different in the new model. Therefore, it is obvious why it isn't possible to produce original and destination models in this topic.

    When I get one row from old table I have to decide where should I put it in the new model depending on some value.


    - value 1 > it goes to Table7

    - value 2 > column1, column3, column9 goes to Table 24; column2, column11, column12 goes to Table7 and so on.


    - 10 other rules


    I miss SQL Server so much. Now I'm working on Oracle and hate it

  • very raw example

    insert into table7

    select column1

    from OldTable1

    where columnx = someconditionvalue1

    order by desiredordercolumns

    insert into table24

    select column1

    , column3

    , column9

    from OldTable1

    where columnx = someconditionvalue2

    order by desiredordercolumns

    insert into table7

    select column11

    , column12

    from OldTable1

    where columnx = someconditionvalue2

    order by desiredordercolumns

    now there is more to it obviously as on your own example you are inserting into table7 different columns based on a value condition so the remaining columns would need to be populated according to some rules.

    but what you need to start thinking is not what to do with a row of input data, but in terms of blocks of conditions and requirements alongside each condition per destination table, not source table.

    And then for each condition you do the required sql.

    you probably have cases where for a single destination row you get data from 2 or more tables on your source model so you join them as needed and insert/update the destination table.

    as per putting the model here I am pretty sure you could easily post here the definition for one of your destination tables, and for the source tables that would be the processed to generate that destination table along side the rules for each row. No need for ALL the model.

    design pattern

    destination table A

    - populate from source table A where column1 = x and column2 = y - use column a,b,c,d,e from source, map to columns 5,6,7,8,9 on destination - remaining destination columns should be populated with (whatever values)

    - populate from source table B where column1 = x and column2 = y - use column a1,b1,c1 from source, map to columns 10,11,12 on destination - remaining destination columns should be populated with (whatever values)

    destination table B

    - populate from source table A where column3 = z - use column c,d,e from source, map to columns 7,8,9 on destination - remaining destination columns should be populated with (whatever values)

    - populate from source table C where column1 = x and column2 = y join with table E - use columns a1,b1,c1 from source C, columns j,k from source E, map to columns 10,11,12,24,28 on destination - remaining destination columns should be populated with (whatever values)

  • tomd-982312 (6/8/2016)

    Guys, this topic is not about efficiency, or RBAR, or order by, or dbms_output.put_line().

    I'm just trying to find simple code that reads sequentially row by row from table. It's a one-time job.

    Thom A, thank you, I'll try with your suggestion.



    Thom A's sample code WILL NOT PROCESS THE DATA IN ANY PARTICULAR, GUARANTEED ORDER!! His SELECT to populate the cursor does NOT have an ORDER BY clause. Without that, as I very pointedly said, there is NO ORDER GUARANTEED.

    Also, if you need a cursor to be efficient and it only goes through the data forward one record at a time you should use a FAST_FORWARD cursor.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • For a fast sequential read of a table to move data from one system to another, you could also use SSIS.

    You're doing ETL work, use the ETL tool.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (6/8/2016)

    For a fast sequential read of a table to move data from one system to another, you could also use SSIS.

    You're doing ETL work, use the ETL tool.

    This would definitely be a better option if you can do it. SSIS is very well equipped for tasks such as this, and there's plenty of resources to help you get started if it looks foreign to you.

    On the Ordering, yes, I'm aware it's not. I simply provided as was asked for. I'd rather not give the complete solution for a scenario in my responses, it gives people the option of a bit of further self learning if the code they asked for is complete, but needs a little work for their own environment, or to behave the way they want/need it to 😀

    If the OP wants to follow this solution (yes, we have discussed maybe it's not the "right" one, but my point remains), then it's a good starting point, but also introduces them to CURSORS, which isn't a bad thing. Even if you don't end up using them, it's good to get as much understanding of a language as you can. Knowing how to use something that is deemed "bad" and why and how, in my opinion, is just as important as knowing how to use something that is "good" and why and how.

    I hate to sound like a moderator, but if everyone wants to discuss all the pros and cons of CURSORS, then maybe this isn't the best place, as the OP has received an answer for their question. I'm more than happy to talk about it elsewhere though. If they want to follow a different solution, I'm sure there are many of us who have posted here who can give them the guidance further to use a data-set approach, or SSIS (or other ETL tool), to achieve their goals.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A (6/8/2016)

    If the OP wants to follow this solution (yes, we have discussed maybe it's not the "right" one, but my point remains), then it's a good starting point, but also introduces them to CURSORS, which isn't a bad thing. Even if you don't end up using them, it's good to get as much understanding of a language as you can. Knowing how to use something that is deemed "bad" and why and how, in my opinion, is just as important as knowing how to use something that is "good" and why and how.

    Indeed, cursors aren't bad. The problem is the row-by-row processing mentality that makes people think they need a cursor. I use cursors, not nearly as often as I did when I started using SQL Server, but I longer use or suggest cursors with the default settings.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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