Separate Date and Time in SQL 2008 SQLBulkCopy

  • I'm parsing a text file into a C# DataTable then using SQLBulkCopy to populate a SQL Table

    In C# I Parse a string into a DateTime value and set a 'Date' column row value to it

    I also do the same for a 'Time' column

    Now in the SQL Table the corresponding column is set to accept Date only - so result in the SQL table is as I expect I see only the Date

    I cannot seem to find a way to do this with the SQL table to use only the Time portion - with different commands involving Time I can only get full DateTime or error ?

  • If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a question first. Why are you separating the date and time? I would think it would make more sense to keep them together in same column as a datetime value.

  • My thoughts exactly but the people I'm doing this for insist on this way

  • Have you asked why and can you share their thought pattern here? Just insisting doesn't mean it is correct. I would hope that they would be open to other alternatives depend on what is being attempted.

    The only real reason I could see for separating date and time would be in a data warehouse where you needed a separate time dimension.

  • So what happens to the target Time field in the SQL database after the Bulk Copy?

    DECLARE @varTime AS Time(0)

    Also, it shouldn't matter, but why not pull directy from the flat file?

    A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat.

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