separat word

  • how to separate sentence "Eko Indriyawan Lagi Makan" into four field become like this :


    field1 -->> "Eko"

    field1 -->> "Indriyawan"

    field1 -->> "Lagi"

    field1 -->> "Makan"


    and "Eko Indriyawan Lagi Makan" can be changed with another sentence, for example like this "Aku suka cewek itu", so we can extract it into


    field1 -->> "Aku"

    field1 -->> "suka"

    field1 -->> "cewek"

    field1 -->> "itu"


    so the sentence can be changed anytime or we can say, that it sentence is dynamic......


    thanxs for a person who can help me........

  • A bit slapped together, but will work for you.

    declare @thestring as varchar(100)

    declare @i as int

    declare @goback as int

    declare @counter as int

    set @thestring = 'sasas fdfdfewew wwrwewr'

    set @i = 1

    set @counter = 0

    set @goback = 1

    while @i < len(@thestring)+1


    set @counter = @counter + 1

    If substring(@thestring,@i,1) = ' ' or @i = len(@thestring)


    print substring(@thestring,@goback,@counter)

    set @goback = @i+1

    set @counter = 0


    set @i = @i + 1


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Another way to do it:

    CREATE TABLE #yourtable(field1 varchar(100))

    DECLARE @input_string varchar(200)

    DECLARE @parse_string varchar(200)

    SET @input_string = ' Eko Indriyawan  Lagi Makan '

    /*strip leading and trailing spaces*/

    SET @parse_string = LTRIM(RTRIM(@input_string))

    /*if there are any spaces, take the part before first space*/

    WHILE CHARINDEX(' ',@parse_string) <> 0


    INSERT INTO #yourtable (field1) SELECT LEFT(@parse_string, CHARINDEX(' ',@parse_string)-1)

    SET @parse_string = LTRIM(RIGHT(@parse_string, LEN(@parse_string)- CHARINDEX(' ',@parse_string)))


    /*now insert the rest, if any*/

    IF LEN(@parse_string)>0


    INSERT INTO #yourtable (field1) SELECT @parse_string


    SELECT * FROM #yourtable

    Supposing you use space as a delimiter, and that if there are several spaces in a row, you treat them as one space... and also ignoring any leading or trailing spaces. That's how I understood the question - you don't want to insert any rows with NULL values or just spaces, do you? If you wish to use another delimiter, it is easy to modify the SQL and add a @delimiter VARCHAR(1) parameter... but then you'd have replace LTRIM and RTRIM with other manipulations (unless you are sure that all the data will be in good shape, which is rather rare).

  • for Vladan 

    thanx you very much........

    you are my hero.......

    your explanation was so clear and i think you understood with my mind.

    Vladan , can you help me in explaining abaout Locking and please give me example.




  • thanx for your answer...

  • I'll be glad to assist you with locking, but what precisely is the problem?

    Generally, SQL Server decides for every query what type of locking is best - rows, pages or entire table. You can change this by using hints for every table (or just some of them) in the query, or by setting isolation level which affects the entire query. However, you have to be careful and know what you are doing - read the "Isolation levels" and "Locking hints" and "Understanding and avoiding blocking" topics in BOL.

    If you still have some questions, just ask - but I need to know more about the problem to look for an answer.

    HTH, Vladan

  • thanxs..........


    but i still confuse with yout explanation, i can't accept you idea clearly. Can you describe it by example that explain "locking".


    i'm so sorry........


    thank you very much for Vladan

    sorry i disturb your time......

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