Sent multiple emails (from table)

  • Is anyone know how to sent report to multiple peoples?

    I have table with 70 difference email addresses and  I have difference detail reports for every person in this table. I have to loop somehow throuth the table and sent the data from report to belong to this person.

    is anyone has the code sample and know how to do this?



  • Is the detail report a different report or the same report that is customized using a parameter? If it is really a different report for each person then you would have to write some .Net code using the RS Web service and create the EMail from code. If it is the same report and you can pass a parameter then if you have the enterprise version of SQL server you can easily set up a subscription and pass the parameter for each person.




  • this is the same report and i just pass parameters.

    I think it's so complicated to set up subscription, i would rather loop throuth my email table, but maybe i am not right.

  • It is very easy to set up a subscription. Be sure the data source property on the report has the user id and password stored. Then click on the subsciptions tab and click on New Data Driven Subscription. This will walk you through the set up. You will need to have a query or stored procedure set up that will list the Email address and the parameter to be passed to the report.




  • thanks, i'll try, i'll do it in couple of weeks....for now i am just doing search before i start my project.

    If you don't mind, i'll ask you detail when i start work on it




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