Sending SMS

  • How can we send SMS for DML operations?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • do you mean for Data Manipulation Language (DML) (such as insert, update, delete) - very simple - create a trigger that would send SMS in a case of update/insert/delete. - see my example at Send SMS from a trigger

    Got SQL Server? Manage It with Siccolo

  • Don't do this in a trigger. It's a bad use of triggers and can pause or hang the db. Use a trigger to log the event in a table. Then set up a job that queries the table and sends SMS msages.

  • I agree with Steve, this would not be a good use of triggers, much better to have a job that queries the table than try to do too much on the insert

  • I agree with all the above comments (including mine ) - I was only providing an example on/for SMS'ing

    Got SQL Server? Manage It with Siccolo

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