Sending Job Failed Information Through E-Mail Using T-SQL

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Sending Job Failed Information Through E-Mail Using T-SQL

  • I would suggest swapping the following:



    Such that the @subject =@SQL and @body=@MSG. I find having the job name, server name and failure notice right in the subject would be more helpful. Just my .5 cents.

  • Thanks a million. I just implemented this code for two jobs!

  • Does this script reports all failed jobs in one consolidated report for a day in one single email..

  • No. You put this into each individual job and if it fails it sends you an email about this job only.

  • sqlserver8650 (3/5/2012)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/scripts/88464/">Sending Job Failed Information Through E-Mail Using T-SQL</A>

    Of course it can be in my version there are flaws, but it works perfectly and fits the current objectives of the notification.


    @CurrentDate INT,

    @Yesterday INT

    SET @CurrentDate = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 112) AS INT)

    SET @Yesterday = CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE()-1, 112) AS INT)

    CREATE TABLE #Temp2(

    instance_id int,

    job_id uniqueidentifier,

    job_name sysname,

    step_id int,

    step_name sysname,

    sql_message_id int,

    sql_severity int,

    message nvarchar(max),

    run_status int,

    run_date int,

    run_time int,

    run_duration int,

    operator_emailed nvarchar(20),

    operator_netsent nvarchar(20),

    operator_paged nvarchar(20),

    retries_attempted int,

    server nvarchar(30)



    --Read history by jobs full Yesterday And CurrentDay

    INSERT INTO #Temp2

    EXEC msdb..sp_help_jobhistory @start_run_date = @CurrentDate ,@mode = 'Full'

    INSERT INTO #Temp2

    EXEC msdb..sp_help_jobhistory @start_run_date = @Yesterday,@mode = 'full'

    --In case if the job works once in a minute, but the letter came once a day, make sure that step all the same have error. if corrected himself, he will not send it in a letter.





    CASE WHEN LEN(Run_Time) = 5 THEN '0'+ LEFT(Run_Time,1) + ':' + LEFT(RIGHT(Run_Time,4),2)+ ':' + RIGHT(Run_Time,2)

    ELSE LEFT(Run_Time,2) + ':' + LEFT(RIGHT(Run_Time,4),2)+ ':' + RIGHT(Run_Time,2) END AS RunTime,


    message INTO ##Error

    FROM #Temp2 T

    WHERE T.Run_Status = 0 AND NOT EXISTS


    SELECT TOP 1 *

    FROM #Temp2 T2

    WHERE T2.Job_Name = T.Job_Name AND T2.Step_Name = T.Step_Name AND T2.Run_Date >= T.Run_Date AND T2.Run_Time > T.Run_Time AND T2.Run_Status != 0


    ORDER BY Job_Name,Step_Id,run_date,run_time DESC

    DROP TABLE #Temp2


    @Recipient varchar(500),

    @a varchar(50),

    @mail varchar(150)

    select @a = 'Job failed on '+ @@servername

    select @Recipient = ''

    if exists (select TOP 1 * from ##Error)


    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'ProfileName',

    @recipients = @Recipient,

    @subject = @a,

    @query = 'SET NOCOUNT ON;

    select * from ##Error',

    @query_result_header = 0

    DROP TABLE ##Error




    DROP TABLE ##Error


  • @moiseevb.i

    I like your modification.

  • Thanks for the post.

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