Sending email script

  • Hello all,

    I hope someone can help me.

    I have a table that holds peoples jobs and their deadlines. I want to email the people on a daily basis whose jobs deadlines are on that day.

    What I have so far:

    DECLARE @toemail varchar(150)

    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    OPEN email_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail



    PRINT @toemail

    DECLARE @register_detail varchar(250)

    DECLARE @body varchar(250)

    SELECT @job_detail = RTRIM(Job_name) +' '+ RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs WHERE email = @toemail

    SET @body = 'You have Jobs that are due to be completed today on the register: ' + @job_detail

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @toemail,

    @subject = 'Expiring Jobs',

    @body = @body

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail


    CLOSE email_cursor

    DEALLOCATE email_cursor

    vw_expiring_jobs is a view I set up that returns all expiring jobs for that day.

    The script finds all the emails of the people that have expiring jobs correctly. The problem I am having is setting the variable @job_detail for each person. It's emailing all the correct people but it's sending them all the same job detail (the last returned value if I run the second query manually)??? and that's where I am lost...

    I really hope someone can help.

    Many Thanks

    another thing I should point out is that a person may be in the view more than once with more than one job. I want it to email them separately for each instance.

    I hope I made sense.

    Many Thanks

  • WiRL (5/24/2012)

    Hello all,

    I hope someone can help me.

    I have a table that holds peoples jobs and their deadlines. I want to email the people on a daily basis whose jobs deadlines are on that day.

    What I have so far:

    DECLARE @toemail varchar(150)

    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    OPEN email_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail



    PRINT @toemail

    DECLARE @register_detail varchar(250)

    DECLARE @body varchar(250)

    SELECT @job_detail = RTRIM(Job_name) +' '+ RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs WHERE email = @toemail

    SET @body = 'You have Jobs that are due to be completed today on the register: ' + @job_detail

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @toemail,

    @subject = 'Expiring Jobs',

    @body = @body

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail


    CLOSE email_cursor

    DEALLOCATE email_cursor

    vw_expiring_jobs is a view I set up that returns all expiring jobs for that day.

    The script finds all the emails of the people that have expiring jobs correctly. The problem I am having is setting the variable @job_detail for each person. It's emailing all the correct people but it's sending them all the same job detail (the last returned value if I run the second query manually)??? and that's where I am lost...

    I really hope someone can help.

    Many Thanks

    another thing I should point out is that a person may be in the view more than once with more than one job. I want it to email them separately for each instance.

    I hope I made sense.

    Many Thanks

    why not just change the cursor to retreive all of the columns you need rather than just the email colum


    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email FROM vw_expiring_jobs


    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email,RTRIM(short_desc),RTRIM(Job_name) FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    then you can ditch that second lookup to the table


  • Hello Michael,

    I tried DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email, @job_detail = RTRIM(Job_name) +' '+ RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    but recieve an error stating I can't set variables within a CURSOR?

    How else can I set the variables using the same query?

    Many Thanks

  • Something like this

    DECLARE @toemail varchar(150), @jobname nvarchar(150), @short_desc nvarchar(150)

    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email, RTRIM(Job_name), RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    OPEN email_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail, @jobname, @short_desc



    PRINT @toemail

    DECLARE @body varchar(250)

    SET @body = 'You have Jobs that are due to be completed today on the register: ' + @Job_name +' '+ @short_desc

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @toemail,

    @subject = 'Expiring Jobs',

    @body = @body

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail, @jobname, @short_desc


    CLOSE email_cursor

    DEALLOCATE email_cursor

  • WiRL (5/24/2012)

    Hello Michael,

    I tried DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email, @job_detail = RTRIM(Job_name) +' '+ RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    but recieve an error stating I can't set variables within a CURSOR?

    How else can I set the variables using the same query?

    Many Thanks

    look at my post again.... i didn't do "@job_detail="

    i did

    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email, RTRIM(Job_name) ,RTRIM(short_desc) FROM vw_expiring_jobs


  • A no-cursor option:


    SET @sql = N'';

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = ''' + REPLACE(email,'''','''''') + ''',

    @subject = ''Expiring Jobs'',

    @body = ''You have Jobs that are due to be completed today on the register: ''' +

    RTRIM(REPLACE(Job_name,'''','''''')) + ' ' + RTRIM(REPLACE(short_desc,'''','''''')) + ';


    FROM vw_expiring_jobs


    EDIT: just noticed it was SQL 2005, get rid of variable init on declare

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks Anthony and Mike I now have a working solution.

    DECLARE @toemail varchar(150), @job_detail varchar(300), @body varchar(400)

    DECLARE email_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT email, RTRIM(job_name) +' '+ RTRIM(short_desc) as job_detail FROM vw_expiring_jobs

    OPEN email_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail, @job_detail



    PRINT @toemail

    SET @body = 'You have Jobs that are due to be completed today on the register: ' + @job_detail

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @toemail,

    @subject = 'Expiring Jobs',

    @body = @body

    FETCH NEXT FROM email_cursor

    INTO @toemail, @job_detail


    CLOSE email_cursor

    DEALLOCATE email_cursor

    Might have a play around with a non-cursor version thanks opc.three


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