Send parameters to SQL stored procedure

  • Hi ,

    I am building Access application that has a SQL database in the background (linked tables). I am now working on Search form which I want to do as dynamic as possible. I've had an idea and it works fine until I came to the obstacle, and then by searching for solution I started to doubt on my solution. I have attached an image of Part of the Search form.

    Idea is that user would be entering criteria in continious form bound to temp table on user computer that has fields such as: LogicalOperator, FieldName, MathOperator, Criteria . I wanted user to be able to combine his criteria by adding AND or OR. Up to now, I have built "Where clause" from this table and I send it to my SP on server that would execute sql statement with Where clause that I send.

    But then I wanted to do the search such that it would returne to me all contacts that have city of Toronto and city of Vancouver in their address (that info is in join table, and contact can have more then 1 address). Then I started to question myself if this is a good approach after all.

    Does anyone know any better apporach for the search as this one?

    I was thinking of passing this temp_table with criteria to sql server (if possible) and then deal with it on server or something similar.

    Thanks for any input.

  • That's pretty much the exact scenario dynamic SQL is meant to handle. You'll either want to build the query dynamically in the front end, or on the database server, but you'll want to build it dynamically. Just make sure it's injection-proof.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Thank you for response.

    Would you mind giving me a SQL stored procedure example that would handle this?

    Right now I am building my SQL statement on the front end, and I send WHERE clause as a parameter among other parameters. Everything is fine while I do search for example:

    SELECt * FROM (set of join tables...) WHERE City = 'Toronto' AND Company = 'xyz'

    But I don't know how to handle example where I want to find all contacts that have address in Toronto and in Vancouver (contacts can have multiple addresses)

    SELECt * FROM (set of join tables...) WHERE City = 'Toronto' AND City = 'Vancouver'

    If I try like this it gives me zero records. I guess I should use something like INTERSECT, or I am totally wrong.


  • SELECt * FROM (set of join tables...) WHERE City = 'Toronto' AND City = 'Vancouver'

    The WHERE criteria will never be fulfilled. If you want to get result for both Cities use the OR operator or the IN clause.

    SELECt * FROM (set of join tables...) WHERE City = 'Toronto' OR City = 'Vancouver'

    SELECt * FROM (set of join tables...) WHERE City IN ('Toronto','Vancouver')

    Here some code to execute a stored procedure in VBA:

    Option Compare Database

    Option Explicit

    'Declare variables

    Private prm As ADODB.Parameter

    Private cmd As ADODB.Command

    Private rst As ADODB.Recordset

    Private par_name As Variant

    Private par_value As Variant

    Public Function ExecuteSP(par_area As Variant, par_attribute As Variant, returnMessage As String, sp_name As Variant)

    'Connection object

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    'Pass on name of stored procedure

    cmd.CommandText = sp_name

    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    'Define the parameters for the stored procedure

    '@DBName: Name of parameter in the stored procedure containing the DB Name on the server

    'Set the parameter for the DBName

    'Get the server name

    par_name = par_area(0)

    par_value = par_area(0)

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter(par_name, adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(par_value))

    prm.Value = par_value

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    'Define the parameters for the stored procedure

    '@DBName: Name of parameter in the stored procedure containing the DB Name on the server

    'Get the database name

    If par_attribute <> "" Then

    par_name = par_attribute


    par_name = "@" + par_area(1)

    End If

    par_value = par_area(1)

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter(par_name, adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(par_value))

    prm.Value = par_value

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    'Set the parameter for the message

    '@returnMessage: Name of parameter in the stored procedure containing the return message

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@returnMessage", adVarChar, adParamReturnValue, Len(returnMessage))

    prm.Value = returnMessage

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    'Execute the stored procedure

    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    rst.Open cmd

    returnMessage = cmd.Parameters("@returnMessage")

    End Function

    This is the event procedure triggering the execution of the stored procedure.

    Private Sub cmdDropView_Click()

    On Error GoTo Err_cmdDropView_Click

    spname = "ap_drop_views_legacy_reporting" 'Stored procedure name

    Select Case frmServerName 'Value comes from an option box with 3 possible values

    Case 1

    ' par_area = Array("WhateverServerName", Me!cboxDatabase, " ", " ")

    Case 2

    par_area = Array(server_name, Me!cboxDatabase, " ", " ")

    Case 3

    par_area = Array("[local]", Me!cboxDatabase, " ", " ")

    End Select

    par_attribute = String(50, " ")

    Call ExecuteSP(par_area, par_attribute, returnMessage, spname)

    boxMessage = returnMessage


    Exit Sub


    MsgBox Err.Description

    Resume Exit_cmdDropView_Click

    End Sub

    Here an example I found which also should work using VBA:

    Hope this gives you an idea.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your answer. I can see your point.

    How would you manage this situation.

    ID ContactID City

    1 1 Toronto

    2 1 Vancouver

    3 2 Toronto

    4 3 Toronto

    5 4 Toronto

    I want any contact that has Toronto and Vancouver as a city. In this case I want Contact 1 as a result not other ones that would come up as a result if I would be using OR.


  • Not sure if I understand what you are looking for exactly. Hence the following is based on a lot of guessing:

    This one gives you the Contact Id for every contact who is in Toronto AND Vancouver.

    SELECT DISTINCT ([ContactID]) AS myContact

    FROM tblContact

    WHERE ((([City]) In ("Toronto","Vancouver"))

    AND (([ContactID]) In (SELECT [ContactID] FROM [tblContact] As Tmp GROUP BY [ContactID] HAVING Count(*)>1 )))

    ORDER BY [ContactID];

    The basis is a query which checks for duplicates (HAVING Count(*)>1). As you are only interested in the contact id the distinct is applied.

    What do you think? :unsure:

  • just as an aside, I would use combo boxes on your search form. Populate them with a sql query that pulls values that are in your DB and limit them to the list. This takes a big bite out of having to validate the SQL before sending it off.

  • Liebesiech:

    Yes this would give desired result.

    Thanks for advice!

    Uripedes Pants:

    Yes I have combo boxes. I also allow user to build his query that I store in a temp table. Then I build WHERE clause on Front-end and I send it to SQL server.

    Now I should make sure that user can have all that flexibility they want (i.e. combine with OR , AND etc.)

    Thanks for input!

  • Hi ,

    one more question.

    Let's say we have:

    ID ContactID City

    1 1 Toronto

    2 1 Vancouver

    3 2 Toronto

    4 3 Toronto

    5 4 Toronto

    6 6 Montreal

    And I want my result to be

    SELECT DISTINCT ([ContactID]) AS myContact

    FROM tblContact

    WHERE ((([City]) In ("Toronto","Vancouver"))

    AND (([ContactID]) In (SELECT [ContactID] FROM [tblContact] As Tmp GROUP BY [ContactID] HAVING Count(*)>1 )))

    OR City = Montreal

    So result would be:




    Any idea?

  • Try this:

    SELECT DISTINCT ([ContactID]) AS myContact

    FROM tblContact

    WHERE ((([City]) In ("Toronto","Vancouver"))

    AND (([ContactID]) In (SELECT [ContactID] FROM [tblContact] As Tmp GROUP BY [ContactID] HAVING Count(*)>1 )))

    OR [City] IN ("Montreal");

    The original query is enhanced with an OR statement. If you have to included more cities, simply add them to the IN statement.

    No guarantee regarding performance on large amount of data.


  • Hi,

    Yes this works with this statement.

    But I modified mine alittle bit so it looks like something like:

    SELECT DISTINCT ([ContactID]) AS myContact

    FROM tblContact

    WHERE ([City]) In ("Toronto","Vancouver")

    GROUP BY [ContactID] HAVING Count(*)=2

    So adding "OR City = Montreal" doesn't work, it gives me an error.

  • Try this:

    SELECT ContactID

    FROM tblContact

    GROUP by ContactID

    HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN City='Toronto' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0 AND

    SUM(CASE WHEN City='Vancouver' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0

    It will give you the ContactID where both the city exists.

    Ashutosh Karn

  • There are a couple ways to do this. here is one. I created a function that takes 2 parameters. one is the name of the datalist where the information is going to be attached the second parameter is the filter I am applying. On your case you want to pass both city and state

    Public Sub bindInfo(ByVal grid As DataList, ByVal UserID As Int32)

    Dim strcon As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ApplicationServices")

    Dim Connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strcon)

    Dim SQLstatement As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select fname, lname, UID from Customers where UID = " & UserID & "", Connection)

    Dim info As New DataSet



    grid.DataSource = info


    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

    here is how I call it.

    bindInfo(grdName, UID)

    here is how I display the info

    <asp:DataList ID="grdName" runat="server">


    Hello, <asp:Label ID="lname" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("fname") %>'></asp:Label>

    <asp:Label ID="fname" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("lname") %>'></asp:Label>.

    <a href="../Account/Logout.aspx">Log out</a>



    You can also do this by calling a stored procedure, but I could not find a good example for you.

    let me know if you have any questions

  • From the previous post(copied below), are DataList, Try and Catch accepted elements in VBA? Or is this not VBA?

    Public Sub bindInfo(ByVal grid As DataList, ByVal UserID As Int32)

    Dim strcon As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ApplicationServices")

    Dim Connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strcon)

    Dim SQLstatement As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select fname, lname, UID from Customers where UID = " & UserID & "", Connection)

    Dim info As New DataSet



    grid.DataSource = info


    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

    End Sub

  • The code above is VB.Net.

    You can see some examples on error handling in VBA here:

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