Send Mail Task issue

  • I created a dts package that creates an excel report and then uses the send mail task to email it out. I created the package under the admin login becuase the emailing failed under my own login.

    So here's the issue....The send mail task is successful when logging in as admin and manually executing the DTS package, but when I schedule the package as a job it fails. Am I doing something wrong?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,




  • Hi,

    Use profile name as "Exchange settings" instead of outlook in your send mail task. Then it will be ok.

    Kindest Regards,

    Saravanan V

  • Another possibility would be to look at the xp_smtp_sendmail extended proc written by Gert Drapers. You can use SMTP mail to send attachments directly without the CDO and profile stuff. Only caveat is that your SMTP server has to be able to relay mail outside for your SQL Server's IP address if you need to send outside of your company.

    E.g. SQL Server is SMTP Server is

    You'd need to add to the SMTP Relay list. Chat with your Email admin if you have questions or need help on that one. Main drawback I've seen with SMTP Sendmail is that you can't exec a query and send results directly or process incoming mail.

    Also, check to see what email profile is set up for your server's service account if you want to stick with SQL Mail. You need to have a local profile configured for SQL Mail to work.

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