Send Mail Task and Variable Use

  • Can anyone tell me the proper way to set up variables for the To and From section in the Send Mail task and then how to use them so the user is prompted to input that information?

  • Uh...I'm not sure I understand your post.

    You want your SSIS Package to prompt the user for information while running, in order to populate configuration data for a SentMail Object?!

    What about pre-populating the data in an XML file. They could fill out the proper XML fields, then you can read it in as a Configuration file when the job starts.

    Or fi you need it real-time while your package is running, you can call a front-end process (windows form, internet/intranet form, etc.) from the SSIS Interface, that will save the data entered by the user somewhere (a flat file, an XML file, a database table, etc.), the SSIS package can then get to the data to use with your SendMail object.

  • Thank you!;)

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