Send Mail attachment

  • I have a need to mail a small output file following the completion of an SQL Agent job.

    Is this possible, and if so, what do I do?


    Now sorted;please ignore

  • It is possible.  You will need to add a final step to the job to fire off xp_sendmail.  See BOL for information about it and how to set it up for attachments.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Here's something I use... hopefully I haven't hacked it apart too much...  Just substitute the correct server and DB names where indicated..

    - hth - Mark


     @mailto1 AS VARCHAR(200),

     @qvar1 VARCHAR(4000)

     SET @qvar1 = 'SELECT fld1, fld2 FROM DataSqlSvrName.DatabaseName.dbo.vw_ViewName WHERE DataDate >= ''8/1/2005'''

       SET @mailto1 =';'

     EXEC ServerNameThatHasSqlMailRunning.Master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients =  @mailto1,

      @subject = 'Subject Line here...',



      @query = @qvar1,


      @message='Message body here... See attachment to view records.',

       @separator=' '

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