Self-joined table - Insert command

  • I have a table in the following format. All the records will be in the same format with these four rows repeating with different val1 values (like 100, 98...)

    ID Color Val Val1


    1 K 1.5 100

    2 C 1.6 100

    3 M 1.7 100

    4 Y 1.8 100

    I have done a self join to get the data in the following format

    ID Color Val ID Color Val ID Color Val ID Color Val


    1 K 1.5 2 C 1.6 3 M 1.7 4 Y 1.8

    The query used is,

    select, a.color, a.val,, b.color, b.val,, c.color, c.val,, d.color, d.val from test a inner join test b on a.val1 = b.val1 inner join test c on b.val1 = c.val1 inner join test d on d.val1 = c.val1 where a.color = 'K' and b.color = 'C' and c.color = 'M' and d.color = 'Y'

    My update statement looks like the one below.

    UPDATE test

    SET val = CASE WHEN color = 'K' THEN 2.1

    WHEN color = 'C' THEN 2.2

    WHEN color = 'M' THEN 2.3

    WHEN color = 'Y' THEN 2.4


    WHERE val1 = 100

    Similar to the update statement I want to write an Insert statement for the result I retrieve. I am using a dataadapter to bind the records to a datagridview which shows up the records in the front end. So in order to update and insert new records using the dataadapter I need to provide the updatecommand and insertcommand. The above given updatecommand works fine. I just want to know if the insert is also possible.

  • ahhh mate try it first and get back to us if you any problems. anything is possible

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Read up on the insert syntax from BOL

    INSERT INTO destination

    (field1, field2 ....)

    Select field1, field2

    from table1

    Pretty straightforward


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