Self Join



    I have a table that contains categoryid, categoryname and basecategoryid.

    For every category, the parent categoryid is stored in the basecategoryid field.

    Each category can have many levels of sub categories.

    I want a query which will retrieve all the sub and sub sub categories( till the last level), given a categoryid.

    Appreciate help in this regard.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This is my first ever post and I hope there will be something helpful here.  I used this technique to return hierarcical personnel information.  I'm using table variables in the example here, but in my database (I'm not a DBA, I'm a .NET developer), I found performance was actually better with a temp table.  Be sure to try both ways.

    -- Create a table to mimic user's question

    declare @Temp table

       (CategoryID int,

        CategoryName varchar(20),

        BaseCategoryID int)


    into @Temp values (1, 'Admin', 0)

    insert into @Temp values (2, 'User Maint', 1)

    insert into @Temp values (3, 'Reports', 0)

    insert into @Temp values (4, 'Report #1', 3)

    insert into @Temp values (5, 'Report #1.a', 4)

    insert into @Temp values (6, 'Report #1.b', 4)

    insert into @Temp values (7, 'Report #2', 3)

    insert into @Temp values (8, 'Report #2.a', 7)

    insert into @Temp values (9, 'Report #3', 3)

    insert into @Temp values (10, 'Report #3.a', 9)

    insert into @Temp values (11, 'Report #3.b', 9)

    insert into @Temp values (12, 'Report #3.c', 9)

    -- Now get data for a particular CategoryID

    declare @CategoryID int

    set @CategoryID = 3

    -- Create table to hold results that will be returned

    declare @Results table

       (CategoryID int,

        CategoryName varchar(20))

    -- Insert the parent row in first

    insert into @Results

    select CategoryID, CategoryName

    from @Temp

    where CategoryID = @CategoryID

    -- Get all downstream children

    while @@rowcount > 0


            insert into @Results

            select t.CategoryID, t.CategoryName

            from @Temp t

            inner join @Results r on t.BaseCategoryID = r.CategoryID

            and not exists (select * from @Results r

                            where t.CategoryID = r.CategoryID)


    select * from @Results

    I've not taken into account any sort order or anything.  You may want to consider adding a column for that. 

    Good Luck

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